Welcome to the 37-38 season of the PBSL!! I'd like to thank all those who came and those who are reading this at home. I'll start by offering a brief introduction of myself. For those unfortunate souls who don't exactly know who I am...well you can call me Darth. I'm kinda the godfather and creator of this whole PBSL thing. It all started with a dream. One day I just decided to leave my prior poorly run Sim League, start my own, and steal all of the old GMs from that league. I did this completely 100% all by myself, with no help or input at all. Now I know what you are thinking when reading this, "Wait how on Earth did you take on that task on alone, and furthermore how is it still running so flawlessly 7 years later???" Well, I'll tell ya...I don't like to toot my own horn but that's what great management can do. And it's that same great management that made me a 2 Time PBSL Champion. I recently decided to grace the league once again with my greatness.
Now while it may take a few seasons to pull this sinking saxophone out of the depths of hell where it was left to rot...rest assured, the Utah Jazz won't be the laughing stock it was for much longer. I have a plan in place to be competing again for titles in 3 seasons. Now I already know your next question, "Although I am being a bit overwhelmed by your mere presence, do you think it would be possible for me to watch you closely and learn from your excellence??" The simple answer is yes, feel free to pick my brain, ask those questions that you know no one else is equipped to answer. As I'm sure you've already noticed, I contain many outstanding qualities, a few being humbleness, honesty, and well did I mention I'm pretty damn humble. Most like to keep their secrets close to their chests. I on the other hand enjoy my little apprentices taking my knowledge. I've trained many GMs who themselves today have many Championship rings like SoundWave, BallsoHard, and IamQuailman
I'll go ahead and wrap this thing up now. I don't want to really get into bragging or being boastful...it's not who I am. Once again thank everyone in advance for their questions and have a great day!
***I do NOT condone the trading/traping actions of IamQuailman.