Flaming Cuyahogas

Pump up your team to the media with your Pre-Season Press Conference!
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Flaming Cuyahogas

Post by 42PhD »


You can quote me on that.

This is my first public appearance since I bought the Cleveland Cavaliers, as the least stupid of you may in fact realize. It's not that I'm a quiet person so much as I really just didn't want to deal with you, but since I have to do this, you're going to get one hell of a god damned press conference. I'm not here to half-ass this. If anything, you may get mooned. Lucky for you, my GM will deal with some press events. I hope this doesn't confuse anybody, but fat boy over there already looks lost.

I bought this disaster of a team just after the prior so-called owner and his embarrassments were mercifully bounced by the Champs in 5, sneaking in a 4 point victory somehow.

Some facts about some of our key changes in Basketball Operations for your little articles:

Fact 1 – No one from last season's team will ever play a minute for this franchise ever again. This is without exception. I have dealt each of those trash bags away, except one: Vitaly Potapenko.


Seriously. He really looks that way.

Fact 2 – This middle-aged loser is barely in the league, and while he remains on my payroll, he will earn his check by being the closest thing to a human urinal that the law and the PBSLPA will allow. This is a modern version of the practice of decimation, which was used by the Romans. Ever heard of them, mouth-breathers? Well, are renowned in history for military leadership and organization. After a great failure, one tenth of the responsible units would be killed by the other nine tenths. Here, one member of the team will effectively be a corpse to remind the others of the price of failure, at least until I trade him.

Fact 3 – Before you get more bent out of shape, our rewards will be as lavish as our punishments are harsh. I can not provide proof of this, of course, but you can hold me to it.

Fact 4 – I will guarantee you today that no player acquired pursuant to a trade from one of the embarrassments will win a title with this team. I'll be trading them away as soon as possible, but I'll sell the team before I give prior ownership any satisfaction they can try to extract from our victory.

I was not here last year, and that's all we'll say of the past here in the Cleveland franchise. We look forward now.

Now that we've gone over the crystal clear talking points about our franchise's new philosophy that each of you is going to feed to our growing fan base . . . because it's just so quotable, isn't it? . . . Let's go over the expectations.

Our strength on the court lies in the front court. Wallace and Divac will feature prominently, as smarter reporters would expect. Ask them, they'll confirm this. To support them, we'll field Carr and McInnis at small forward, with Carr getting the nod to start. McKie and Williams will start at guard which will add the best combination of 3 point shooting and perimeter defense we can muster.

This team will struggle not to be horrible. Success is not an option, something to which you can relate. Our best is neither good nor good enough.

So why play?

Two reasons. First, because I said so, damn it, and I write the god damned checks. Second, pride.

This team, this franchise, and this city need some damned pride, and they are going to get it right here, right now. When these players end up throughout the league, they'll tell all the other players what it's like in Cleveland. The weak will stay away, but the real men will respect what we are building: a new Rome.


In time, the rest of the league will come to our Coliseum to die for our pleasure, and we will rule until we too succumb to the ravages of time. We will be remembered, though.

You can take that to the bank.

Until that day comes, we'll embrace the more appropriate image: The Flaming Cuyahoga.


As a matter of fact, that is our unofficial nickname now.

The Flaming Cuyahogas will now try to understand your imbecilic questions and come up with teeny tiny answers you can understand when I can mentally stoop that low.

Hurry up, though, I have some hot chicks to bang. That's chicks, with an s, bitches.
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Re: Flaming Cuyahogas

Post by Xist2Inspire »

Random Reporter: With all the moves made, many are wondering who on this team, if any, will be here long-term. Are there any players who stand a chance of being Cavs past this season? Also, a kid by the name of LeBron wouldn't be the reason behind this roster detonation, eh?
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Re: Flaming Cuyahogas

Post by 42PhD »

LeBron will come to us if he is worthy. As for the rest of it, check the Facts. Next?
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Re: Flaming Cuyahogas

Post by Soundwave »

Clark Kent, Daily Planet,

What is a Cuyahogas?
I still got all my fingers but somewhere I lost my mind.
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Re: Flaming Cuyahogas

Post by 42PhD »

Clark, check out the picture of the flaming thing.
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Re: Flaming Cuyahogas

Post by NickMalone77 »

Nick Melon; Charlotte Observer: With the direction of the roster, your methods are unique. How do you plan to entice the fans of this team to attend the games? Any truth to the rumor that the Rock and Roll HOF will be the new headquarters for the Cavalier office and that Drew Carrey will be the new host of the "Price Of Cleveland"?
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Re: Flaming Cuyahogas

Post by 42PhD »

Owner: <expletive deleted>' A, they're unique. Buckle up, <expletive deleted>.

GM: Uhh, if I can add... We feel that our strong mandate from ownership allows us to be aggressive in exploiting market inefficiencies and using the business rhythms in the league to our advantage.

Owner: Geek. Speaking of, Drew Carey can kiss Bob Barker's ass. We'd consider the move to the Hall once I decide if I'm to burn our offices and practice facility to the ground.

GM: We are looking at all ways to bring this franch...

Owner: Shut up. I'm burning something down, period. Next?
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Re: Flaming Cuyahogas

Post by WigNosy »

You said you wanted to burn something down. Looking st the picture of the fire, is that the Cleveland River you are burning? How, exactly, does a body of water catch fire?
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Re: Flaming Cuyahogas

Post by 42PhD »

I didn't burn it. The locals polluted their river to the point of flammability. The parallel to the former incarnation of the franchise is apt, which is why I called attention to it. You're welcome.

My reasons for burning things is just fun... Unrelated. Next?
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Re: Flaming Cuyahogas

Post by NOLa. »

How do you think your first offseason went as a new GM? Was it tough to get a gauge on value in the league, or did you feel you were picking it up as you went along?
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Re: Flaming Cuyahogas

Post by 42PhD »

Owner: Really? Answer the geek, Geek.

GM: Uhhh... I need to give you a couple of answers.

Owner: Oh for Frye's sake...

GM: First, we exceeded ownership's expectations as he "knew that maple-blooded bastard would stink up the locker rooms with his sticky piss" for at least 2 more seasons. Moving Nash saved a grove of trees down toward Akron, as well. They are quite lovely, actual... Ow!

Second, value for us this season is not what other teams value, and, as such, we got value.

Third, I am being told you are asking about trading... Do I have to say this... I said the piss thi... Ow... About trading "Broke Dick Jones." We did our due diligence with "BD" but many seeming good offers were not allowed due to trade rules, others backed away from the deal because of his "old ass broke dick." The deal was, in fact, the best on the table.

Fourth, our gauge on value is fine, but we are still working on understand the real variables in the league, which are my peers.

Oh, geeky peers.

Ummm... Next?
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Re: Flaming Cuyahogas

Post by ballsohard »

What's a realistic timeline for your franchise to make some noise in the playoffs? Are the collection of second rounders in essence a way to fill a roster with players on min contracts while you play the lotto?
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Re: Flaming Cuyahogas

Post by 42PhD »

GM: We feel that the lottery is not the way to build. We will take our chances in free agency, then trade from there. Our picks are indeed a tool to fill out a top-heavy roster or engage in unbalanced trades. They are a flexible currency, as are the minimum contracts they produce. That said, if we end up in the lottery, so be it, and that pick may be up for trade, as well.

As for the timeline, this will take at least 2 seasons to get to the playoffs the right way unless free agency is very kind. Ownership has brought in the timeline after we successfully moved Mr. Nash.

Owner: No good deed goes unpunished, Geek. Remember that. Next?
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Re: Flaming Cuyahogas

Post by 78# »

How much are you using analytics as far as building the team goes? Did you feel that Eddie Jones was a bit older and not the kind of guy you want to build the team around?
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Re: Flaming Cuyahogas

Post by 42PhD »

GM: We use all available means to improve the team, but at this point we do not have a player on the team we can go forward with, per management direction. At this point we have positioned ourselves to enter player multiple markets with leverage. As we'll be completely unencumbered by fixed assets or by roster constraints, we will be quite nimble this offseason. As far as Mr. Jones is concerned... Ummm... "BD" our franchise owner reminds me... We moved him at peak value, as he has already begun his decline as a player... Yes, I think they know why you call him that... And by the time we would be competitive, he simply would not be. It was best for all parties to trade him, again, at peak value for best offer available. Most importantly, franchise ownership mandated that none of these players were allowed to play for the Cavaliers and must be traded. He is really quite fixed on that idea, and he swears quite often.
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Re: Flaming Cuyahogas

Post by Conroy »

Sports Guy Bill Simmons here, the city of cleveland hasn't seen a major sports title in over 30 years, you have more second round picks than any team should even be allowed to have, and your teams highest per game scorer is so washed up he'll probably eventually turn to stealing Apple products to cover gambling debts. Where in the world does all of this confidence come from?
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Re: Flaming Cuyahogas

Post by 42PhD »

GM: The confidence is based on flexibility going forward. Ownership is making it plain that this season has no hope of success, but it was necessary to sacrifice this season to enter free agency with confidence next season to start building our war chest.
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Re: Flaming Cuyahogas

Post by IamQuailman »

Will Maukie, BucksNation.com: You were a trading machine this off-season. What did you think of the experience of PBSL Trade Negotiations during your inaugural season? Was it easier or harder than expected?
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Re: Flaming Cuyahogas

Post by 42PhD »

GM: It was a learning experience in terms of mechanics and managing personalities. We had a plan, priorities, and rules of engagement, so that part was easy.

Owner: Each of you is looking for that perfect piece of player pussy you'll never find. We aren't getting the ring this year, so we'll bang any broad. That's why I'm here and you're there, typist.

GM: Errr... Flexibility is something we can use in negotiations. In time, this advantage will be replaced by others.
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Re: Flaming Cuyahogas

Post by IamQuailman »

Awarded 5 points! Thanks for your contribution!
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