It has been proposed that we do some sort of redistribution of luxury tax payments and at the same time implement a salary floor that must be reached to receive these payments.
This proposition will use the most conservative version of the proposed redistribution, to wit:
1. In order to be eligible for a redistribution payment, the following must be true:
1a. The final taxable team salary must have been under the luxury tax apron
AND one of the following must be true:
1b. The team's final taxable salary must have been at least 90% of the salary cap (the "Salary Floor")
1c. The team must be delinquent on past taxes (because teams delinquent on past taxes are unable to offer more than veteran minimum contracts, they may have a hard time getting their salary up to 90% of the cap)
2. One-half of the amount collected in luxury tax (rounded down) will be split among eligible non-taxpaying teams (points per team rounded down again after division by number of eligible teams).
3. A team may receive no more than 10 points per season in luxury tax redistribution payments.