One solemn tear rolls down his face as he stands and puts his ugly sports coat on and trudges out to meet the press
I have been a GM for 70+ seasons. I've had countless great players, great teams but throughout the years the ultimate prize has continued to elude my grasp. The acknowledgement for that brief moment of time that you are the absolute best. That thing that all competitors crave...the championship....and that MAKES ME SICK!
I promise the people of Indianapolis that this time will be different, I will build you a team that you can have pride in, a team that a blue collar community such as yourselves deserve!
Our team will attack the rim with the intensity of a medieval siege!... and then get to the FT line
Our team is made up of hard men who crash the glass! We didnt even bother to attempt one of those pussy 3pt shots in the preseason. The 3pt line is for cowards and cowards dont wear the Pacers shirt
Our goals for the season are to win the conference and crack a few skulls doin it!
camera pans to Kermit Washington who smirks and nods
Open for Q/A--->