The Miami Heat owner, logpmess, was a boy growing up in a LEGEND'S shadow. Although he was always taller in stature than his shorter, much more attractive brother, he could never live up to the high expectations that his brother set.
Let's meet this guy:
Name: Logpmess
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 180 pounds of muscle disguised as a beer belly
Hobbies: Playing D&D in his mother's house, wrestling his dog in his underwear, lip singing to Backstreet Boys, and Banging 2s.
Motto: "Why bang one 10 when I can have five 2s?"
Nicknames: Brokeback, Nagatha Christie, and Real Mister Marmalade
As a teenager, you could find him on his computer practicing the latest boy band dance.
Other jobs that he has had include a Chippendale
(this is where he earned the nickname Brokeback),
and social justice warrior
Here are some of his key contributors that will try to break the record of least wins in a season:
First, Gary Payton
He was recently seen at this food expo because he is still waiting on his paychecks from the last two years from the Miami Heat organization.
Second, Joel Przybilla
He told his elderly grandmother that he wanted to stay with the Miami Heat, so she bitch slapped him. The picture shows the damage caused by the harmless, little, old lady
Finally, Alvin Williams in the background trying to live up to the GMs nickname of brokeback
Good luck this season logpmess. You'll need a lot of it.
PS: Dan Dickau is your future? Dumbass!