Love this question! Hard to pick favorites. I love shootin' the breeze with you too
@Black Superman
Contrary to what I usually post, I love the wildness
@LazyTitanSmash has brought to sim league. Never a message without controversy. Never a move without serious consequence. Never an article without making me want to scream a little bit. Sim league is all about engagement, and LTS is at an all time high. All the sim studying he's done since joining the league is starting to pay off and he has really come out of his shell. You love to see it. Every LTS post I see I read immediately, and there aren't too many other GMs today where I do that (miss you
@drkavarga ).
But again, favorite? I don't think I can pick one. I love talking strategy with
@MexicanMamba , I loved any occasion I had to talk deals or sim whatever with
@Eazy P , I truly feel that
@garbageman has insight into this game like no other - and a unique way of sharing that knowledge that never boils down to 'you should do THIS' because he always highlights pos and neg to every move...
Everyone's favorite slime king,
@IamQuailman , I mean, we haven't talked sim much lately, but maybe we should, because someone is coming for his slime crown and gaining speed. They are likely headed for a blockbuster playoff showdown later this year... but anyway, we talk dirty. It's cute.
I have to go to work otherwise I'd mention more. Love you guys