I am here today out of necessity. As the last few weeks since Bridges and Chief, and well the whole team mostly were hurt as a result of a freak accident that caused them all to just well get hit (both literally and with their development). What had happened was the team, minus AB who only travels by running, was driving back from a local Blue Man Group outing that Chief K put together. Suddenly while they were trying to turn out of Dunkin’ they hit an old lady who was walking by. In true Massachusetts style, everyone kept yelling how the bus wouldn’t fit out the spot and they were right. Well, the auto brakes initiated when they hit the lady. Being that they are on a bus and no one was buckled, they all went flying. Bridges took the brunt of it, as he was passing out the munchkin’s he ordered, flew from the back of the bus all the way to the front. He was handing Fryer a donut when this happened, which caused him to pull his shoulder out of socket… anyways this whole thing was a mess and somehow the old Masshole didn’t even get hurt. I mean AB has been crying ever since it happened

Anyways. Last season was by all accounts, ok. We flipped our people for future players to go with AB. We resigned Bridges in RFA, and were hopeful that the bucks would be on airplane mode (early signs of a wary off-season). AB signed his max and ate all the cap, so not much else to really report on. We are not in the process of evaluating everything and seeing what truly is the best foot forward. With this core, part of the core, or a HARD reset. AB will be AB though, and the season won’t be a total waste. We will hopefully make the playoffs even though the conference has gotten really good. Also, Hintz will be run into the ground to make up for coming back, sucker. We also traded for Throckmorton in a deal that really is a line bright spot, to also go with not signing Romero to a big deal or anyone else really that would have been wasted (like when I signed Gauss a few seasons back - only to send out that same season.)
The starting 5 will be AB, Hintz, Bridges, Throckmorton, and Chief.
@ me for your questions, both for the team in the comments and for players in my PM.
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