Protocol for DCs in Playoffs - Early Sims

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Protocol for DCs in Playoffs - Early Sims

Post by TheSyndicate »

Setting: No one likes it when the game drags, least of all when there's only a few teams left in. Toward the beginning of the league, we had many playoffs decided quickly incorporating multiple sims per day, but lately this has not been the case.

Current process: Sim occurs at 5pm or when all DCs are in - whichever comes first. Early sims may only take place when ALL GMs have submitted a DC regardless of previous participation.

Proposed change: If a GM has not submitted a DC for 3 playoff sims (where their team played games) in a row and all other GMs have submitted DCs, a sim can be run early pending the availability and discretion of the commissioner/appointee.

The only potential downside is that a GM sees their team's run come to an end unexpectedly, however that GM would have missed several DCs in the normal time limit which I feel forfeits their rights to, well, have a say at that point.
6 Rings. That's it. That's the tweet.
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