Paying Before Playing: Sim League Buy-in Clarification

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Paying Before Playing: Sim League Buy-in Clarification

Post by IamQuailman »

Rules are a little ambiguous here, but I think it would be a best practice that the points be deducted from the bank prior to the submission deadline for Sim Vegas buy-ins (i.e. Preseason Predictions, Bracket Challenges, etc). Treated similarly to TC insurance (if this does in fact stay) and trainings.

Please feel free to discuss.
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Re: Paying Before Playing: Sim League Buy-in Clarification

Post by Conroy »

That's probably the 'correct' way to do this, but I think something as small as 3 points, if the person heading up the contest or whatever it willing to track it and make sure it's paid. And that as long as all entry fees are collected before the payouts are paid (this is essentially how every fantasy football league I've ever been in is like) then it's fine.

ps: I'm willing to track it and hound people to pay by the time the contest is over.
Last edited by Conroy on Wed Dec 20, 2017 3:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Darth Vegito
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Re: Paying Before Playing: Sim League Buy-in Clarification

Post by Darth Vegito »

If it's for one then it needs to be for all. And I WILL PERSONALLY be checking EVERY GD bank from now on to ensure every bank is perfect. If I find something wrong then whatever it is wrong will be voided. So if it's a training or TC insurance you'll retroactively lose the training or if TC ins your player will be struck down by GODS for being wrong in your calculations.
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Re: Paying Before Playing: Sim League Buy-in Clarification

Post by IamQuailman »

We can leave this to the discretion of the Sim Vegas Coordinator, as well. Each person can enforce as they wish, so long as its stated in the initial post.
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