NOTE: Read carefully, this is an instant runoff poll.
If an article (or, if Proposition #1 passes, a podcast) with multiple contributors wins Media of the Year, how shall the points be distributed?
"Each contributor gets full value" means that each substantial contributor (who these are is to be determined at the discretion of the Media Awards Coordinator) wins the full value of the award. If the award is 5 points and an article written by multiple authors wins (e.g., a 5-on-5 article with 6 contributors - one moderator and five repliers) each contributor receives 5 points (30 total).
"Double then split among contributors" means if a multiple-contributor media piece wins, the point value of the award is doubled and then split evenly among all substantial contributors (round fractions off). If the award is 5 points and an article written by multiple authors wins the award pool is doubled from 5 to 10 and split among contributors. For example, if a 5-on-5 article with 6 contributors wins, each receives 2 points (10 divided by 6 is 1.67, round up to 2).
"Split among contributors" means the total value of the prize pool is not doubled but is just split among multiple contributors.
In order to allow this to be instant runoff, each voting option has two values. The first value is your first choice, the second value is your second choice. If no option gets enough "1st choice" votes to win an outright majority of votes, the option with the fewest "1st choice" votes will be removed and the "second choice" votes will be counted as "first choice" votes.