Elton Brand: "I know Kevin Garnett is in the building. And I know BallSoHard is in the building. And I know I'm not waiting anymore, so come on out, boys."
BallSoHard: "You know what I'm looking at right now? I'm looking at an empty ring because in my world you don't exist. Try this one on for size. Am I lying? In 1995 SLOE had no vision for you. Elton Brand was a figment of Balls's imagination. And what did I do? I took you in, I befriended you, I taught you, I trained you, I martyred my entire career for you, and then we reached the Holy Grail together. WE were the reigning, defending NCAA champion for 434 days. WE were the longest reigning NCAA champion of the past 25 years. WE came within an inch of breaking Kareem's streak at the Final Four. WE, Elton Brand, WE were the best— in the world. And here's the part of the equation you seem to forget about. Without me, there is no we. Without BallSoHard, Elton Brand, you're not the best in the world. ["Boo!"]
See, you can boo that all you want cause everybody's been stopping me and asking me the same question. 'Balls, what happened here? Why, Balls? Why did you betray Elton Brand? Balls, you are a Judas!' Here is the truth. Because, I tell you why I have such an aversion to the truth. Because the truth is a lot harder pill to swallow, Mr Beast, than a spin on things. The truth is YOU failed US when you couldn't defeat the Miami in round 2. And when you went home, you found yourself. And Elton Brand comes back to SLOE, and you think you're better than me. Elton Brand better than BallSoHard. So I lied to you. I manipulated you. I played you because you can never claim that Elton Brand dumped BallSoHard. No, history is going to write that Balls dumped Elton Brand!
You didn't want a business relationship with me. You wanted to keep it personal. So I made it as personal as I can possibly make it. Oh come on, you know this to be true. Here is the truth. You have no family. You're estranged from your own mother and father. You have no wife. You have no children. All you have is them. All you have is the Toronto Universe. All you have is their admiration. All you have is their respect. All you have is their affirmation! Listen to that! And all you want, all you crave, all you need in your life is the SLOE championship. You took my best friend away from me and I took your chance at the SLOE title away from you and each and every one of them! You're gonna find out, as bad a reputation as I have at business, I'm a whole lot worse personally.
And here's the kicker to it all, best friend, brother, business son, man who wouldn't be my client. You made me swear on my children. But it was my children who made me see this so clear. 'Daddy, why doesn't Elton listen to you like KG listens to you? Daddy, isn't KG going to hurt Elton? Daddy, can Elton beat Kevin Garnett?' And if you wanna know why I double-crossed you, why I betrayed you, why I cost you your opportunity to cash in Money In the Training Bank and go for the SLOE title, here is the harshest truth of them all. I betrayed you because, Elton Brand, you can't beat Kevin Garnett!"
["Elton Brand! Elton Brand!"]
Elton Brand: "Are you done? You wanna talk about the truth? I saw firsthand last night that the truth does hurt. And maybe I should have seen it coming, but dammit, Balls, I trusted you and all I have to show for it now is these 13 staples in my head. But another truth is that you know me better than anybody and you know when I'm lying and you know when I'm telling the truth, and you know when I want something bad enough, I am the most relentless man on the planet. And I will not stop until I get it!
And the truth is, Balls, I'm gonna get you. This time I swear on your children that I am gonna get you, and I will get everybody that conspired against me, every single one of your associates. Everybody who profited from it. Everybody who had knowledge of it. Anybody who enjoyed it. Your friends, your clients, your family. Anybody in between the time I get my hands on you and now that steps in between you and I and opens their eyes at me, I will get my hands on, and I will rip apart, and I will hurt!
You want the truth? The truth is you don't have a future because I'm gonna burn down everything around you until you're the last man standing and I'm gonna keep you alive just long enough to look you in the eye and hurt you worst of all. So tell me, you son of a bitch, am I lying?"
BallSoHard: "No, no, you're not lying and since you wanna tip your hand and tell me I have a lack of a future, let me spell your immediate future out for you. It's clobbering time!"
I still got all my fingers but somewhere I lost my mind.