Making Suggestions

Have an idea for the league? Want to see a new rule put in or an old one abolished? Start a discussion here during the off-season or during the regular season!
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Making Suggestions

Post by IamQuailman »

Just a quick post here.

If you have a suggestion for the league that you would like to discuss, feel free to make a thread in the Commish Corner section of the forum. You can make it a simple thread to discuss an idea, or if you want to make it a voting poll, you can do the same as well. Rulings on every little thing or complaint won't be made if it requires a new rule, and if it's a new rule (and voted on/approved), it will not go into effect until the following offseason.

Discussion of rules is going to be an important part of this league going forward, and if you have a problem with something going on or would like to bring up something that needs to change, please feel free to create a thread to start the discussion. No one is going to bite (except Wig's naked cat).

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