Pelicans Tickets

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PBSL Team: Flaming Cutohogas

Pelicans Tickets

Post by 42PhD »

It's renewal time, and I'm renewing my tickets for my ticket group. My regular group is shrinking, so I thought I'd open up the membership to you guys.

We sit in 303 row 1. They are good seats. Everything is done at cost, which is less than face value. I'm not in this to make a cent. I'm in it to make sure we have fans in the building and have access to good seats with good people.

If you are interested, just PM me and we'll talk the details.

If you guys just want to come "visit during a game, let me know and I'll let you know if I'm attending.
There's no "I" in team, but you can find "Eat me" if you push it too far.
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