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Media Points!!

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 1:02 pm
by TheSyndicate
Hi all!

As you might have noticed, I'm the new MEDIA POINT DISTRIBUTOR (As sponsored by AFLAC).

As you might have also noticed, I'm no longer just handing out 5 points for each article.

All posts will start out at 3 points and I will be moving that point total up based on inclusion of some extras. Examples of which are below:
Hits all teams
Is funny
Contains pics *not just player pics from index*
Is updated throughout year
Is a new idea (we've had previews, redrafts, power rankings, etc, but some examples of out-of-the-box articles from the past that would have earned 5 points are: SLOE Court, SLOEPSY's, The Lottery Luck analysis).

Articles will NO LONGER max out at 5 points per article if they are exceptional, but the max of 10pts toward media/season will stay in effect.

My hope is that by lowering the bar to only receive 3 points and raising the bar to receive 5,6,7 points more people will post articles, and we'll get more fun in-depth analysis.

The terms for presser points will stay the same as before:

5 points --> A) Post well thought out (more than 2 paragraphs... at least) presser about your team, B) Answer questions in your own presser, and C) Ask questions in at least 3 other pressers.
3 points --> 2 of the 3 listed above.
1 point --> Skimpy presser + asking other questions but not answering questions/answering questions but not asking
0 points --> Don't answer questions, skimpy presser, don't ask questions

If you post "ASK AWAY!" or "ASK ME QUESTIONS! THIS IS MY PRESSER", you will automatically start with 3pts and lose from there.

Re: Media Points!!

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 6:32 pm
by LoCo89
LoCo89 likes this

Re: Media Points!!

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 4:59 pm
by TheSyndicate
As a reminder, points for pressers will be awarded according to the scale below. I will be doling out points Sunday night and try to catch any I can before Monday's sim, but mondays are tough for me. So get them in soon if you want to be rewarded before the regular season begins!!

5 points --> A) Post well thought out (more than 2 paragraphs... at least) presser about your team, B) Answer questions in your own presser, and C) Ask questions in at least 3 other pressers.
3 points --> 2 of the 3 listed above.
1 point --> Skimpy presser + asking other questions but not answering questions/answering questions but not asking
0 points --> Don't answer questions, skimpy presser, don't ask questions

If you post "ASK AWAY!" or "ASK ME QUESTIONS! THIS IS MY PRESSER", you will automatically start with 3pts and lose from there.

Re: Media Points!!

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 11:08 pm
by IamQuailman
TheSyndicate wrote:Hi all!

As you might have noticed, I'm the new MEDIA POINT DISTRIBUTOR (As sponsored by AFLAC).

As you might have also noticed, I'm no longer just handing out 5 points for each article.

All posts will start out at 3 points and I will be moving that point total up based on inclusion of some extras. Examples of which are below:
Hits all teams
Is funny
Contains pics *not just player pics from index*
Is updated throughout year
Is a new idea (we've had previews, redrafts, power rankings, etc, but some examples of out-of-the-box articles from the past that would have earned 5 points are: SLOE Court, SLOEPSY's, The Lottery Luck analysis).

Articles will NO LONGER max out at 5 points per article if they are exceptional, but the max of 10pts toward media/season will stay in effect.

My hope is that by lowering the bar to only receive 3 points and raising the bar to receive 5,6,7 points more people will post articles, and we'll get more fun in-depth analysis.

The terms for presser points will stay the same as before:

5 points --> A) Post well thought out (more than 2 paragraphs... at least) presser about your team, B) Answer questions in your own presser, and C) Ask questions in at least 3 other pressers.
3 points --> 2 of the 3 listed above.
1 point --> Skimpy presser + asking other questions but not answering questions/answering questions but not asking
0 points --> Don't answer questions, skimpy presser, don't ask questions

If you post "ASK AWAY!" or "ASK ME QUESTIONS! THIS IS MY PRESSER", you will automatically start with 3pts and lose from there.
Since I missed the opportunity to address this earlier in the season and my post in the suggestion forum (within the Revamped Point System Thread) was overlooked as well, I'm addressing it here.

This new point system is a change to a long-standing point system, and any and all changes to long-standing rules (as we have for everything else) must go to discussion and vote in-season (and if approved will be implemented in the following off-season). Since this has not been voted on or approved by the league, for the remainder of the season, the point max for an article is 5 points; to those awarded more than 5 points, please change your bank to reflect the 5pt max. If anyone here likes this new point system drafted up by syndicate, feel free to create a thread in the suggestion box forum to have the rule change voted on in the off-season.

Additionally, since syndicate let me know that he is stepping down as Media Point Coordinator, the position is now open if anyone is interested. See the "job description below:

Media Point Distributor:
- Compensation: 5pts towards media allowance
- Award points for media sessions (based on standing criteria for point awarding)
- Award points timely (prior to pre-regular season training, prior to all-star break training, prior to end of the season)