Hi all!
As you might have noticed, I'm the new MEDIA POINT DISTRIBUTOR (As sponsored by AFLAC).
As you might have also noticed, I'm no longer just handing out 5 points for each article.
All posts will start out at 3 points and I will be moving that point total up based on inclusion of some extras. Examples of which are below:
Hits all teams
Is funny
Contains pics *not just player pics from index*
Is updated throughout year
Is a new idea (we've had previews, redrafts, power rankings, etc, but some examples of out-of-the-box articles from the past that would have earned 5 points are: SLOE Court, SLOEPSY's, The Lottery Luck analysis).
Articles will NO LONGER max out at 5 points per article if they are exceptional, but the max of 10pts toward media/season will stay in effect.
My hope is that by lowering the bar to only receive 3 points and raising the bar to receive 5,6,7 points more people will post articles, and we'll get more fun in-depth analysis.
The terms for presser points will stay the same as before:
5 points --> A) Post well thought out (more than 2 paragraphs... at least) presser about your team, B) Answer questions in your own presser, and C) Ask questions in at least 3 other pressers.
3 points --> 2 of the 3 listed above.
1 point --> Skimpy presser + asking other questions but not answering questions/answering questions but not asking
0 points --> Don't answer questions, skimpy presser, don't ask questions
If you post "ASK AWAY!" or "ASK ME QUESTIONS! THIS IS MY PRESSER", you will automatically start with 3pts and lose from there.