garbageman wrote: Mon Nov 14, 2022 2:39 pm
Sham Smith, As someone who has entered a lot of DCs, I can say that your game plans go against the grain of what a lot of less successful GMs do. What do you do in the planning room that you don't see a lot of other GMs catching onto for their own game plans.
While I can't say for sure, I don't think a lot of GMs really focus on what their team is as opposed to what they want it to be. I feel like there's generally a singular idea of what a good team "should" be and look like, and in striving for that, one loses the ability to take advantage and make the most out of the things that make their players and teams unique. You really have to look at the settings and think about how those relate to your squad.
Take the Crash Boards setting. It's more than just "Rebounds good, so set fairly high." If your team doesn't have good rebounding skill overall, you're wasting energy setting it high. Even if you have one very good rebounder, that person will still gobble up boards regardless of the settings. Now said person would probably average more with a high setting, but that comes at the cost of players who shouldn't even dream about crashing the glass trying anyway.
Even the offensive/defensive split with Crash Boards matters. If you're a team that wants to limit your opponent, then high Defensive Crash Boards settings are almost always worth it, because you're striving for a higher chance that every opposing possession will be a one-and-done affair. Even the most high-powered offense can't shoot 100% for the entire game, and by making sure that they will only get one chance to shoot the ball, you're putting a hard cap on how much their offense can theoretically score.
I could honestly go on about just this setting alone, there's so much more depth and nuance to these things that I'm not sure is often explored by GMs.