Welcome back to Streak 4 Sim!
Each sim you will be given 10 scenarios and your job is to correctly guess the outcome of each scenario to form your streak. The GM with the longest streak after each sim gets 1 point.
But wait, there is more! We will also keep track of the longest cumulative streak for the entire season. If you finish Sim 1 with a 4 game win streak and then get the first 5 right in sim 2 your longest overall streak will be 9 (W9). If you only guess 1 game per sim but get all 12 sims correct you finish with a W12. You play as much or as little as you want.
Post in the forum thread that you entered before 4PM CST on sim day
Longest overall win streak: 12 points
2nd place: 8 points
3rd place: 5 points
Most wins: 5 points
Now that you know the rules, let's go streaking!
S59 Streak 4 Sim 1 - ENTER NOW