Good morning and happy new year! Well what do you know, it's another season with 10 more to go in a year. The Kings are definitely ready this season and hope to win the championship
As for the Seven on Five, 76ers GM was on point. The Kings have no time with day to day of Sim League. We are way too busy with our practices and balancing our players personal lives. And no, we have no plans letting Hayes go. So for all the trade offers we receive, we are filtering those that are asking for Hayes. The Kings know what we want and have one goal of auto piloting to a title.
AngryBanana wrote:Chet Youbetcha, Dimmadome News: what’s is feel like being the worst team in both California and in your division (so really, worse than the Cavs?)
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I don't think any team is worse than the Cavs, but we are definitely ready to win an auto pilot title.
Hayes is such a key piece, no wonder you do not want to trade him, especially if you want to autopilot your way to a 'ship. Don't you think, though, that Hayes could be worth TWO solid young players in a trade, giving you more strength at more positions? Also why Hayes at SG instead of PG?