Thank Yougarbageman wrote: Mon Sep 20, 2021 12:56 pm Sham Smith, Congrats on bringing another trophy back to San Antonio. A big part of that win was your young players, Montoya and Whitley. Both of them took even bigger jumps in TC this year. Any Spurs TC secrets you're willing to share?
There are a number of teams out there. Teams like the Bucks, Suns, Thunder, Wolves, 76ers, Nuggets, Lakers and Nets are all threats. Some of those teams listed are probably one move away from being great and winning it all. I still think repeating as champs is going to be a tough assignment. Hopefully my team can grind it out do what needs to be done to repeat.false9 wrote: Mon Sep 20, 2021 1:35 pm Who do you think is the biggest threat to your repeat chances?
If the right offer comes i may consider cashing in. PGs are Scarce in our league and I am lucky to have a guy like Yangreepleairport wrote: Mon Sep 20, 2021 5:02 pm Glad to hear you are reinvigorated for S54, and what a testament to what you have put together previously to get this squad another ‘ship. You could quite possibly last to another ‘ship this year, but is there a point at which you might pivot and cash in on Yandell for example?
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