We opened up the floor to three way trading and took off the 5 player/pick cap, and this is what we got...a mammoth trade that saw the Jazz working to nullify what would've been an historic tax bill, the Clippers getting a second p/p in Jordan Johnson, the new-ish Blazers GM getting involved in history, and a massive shakeup of the Omega conference. Finally, this trade will probably have ramifications on the trade rule next year as I like the three way trade possibility (and the potential to trade more than 5 players/picks), but feel like to keep that, it's finally time to get rid of the absurd rule where you can just stock up on vet mins and trade them a sim later. Count on me not putting that to a vote, and if you don't like it, find a new commish.
Anyway, though, this could shake up the title convo quite a bit, and saves Chad another 10 seasons in tax jail.