Taking commissioner prerogative, I'm amending this Season Awards rule:
KeepIt100 wrote:To encourage participation this year, if you submit nominations in at least 3/4 award categories this season, you can claim 2 points. If your nomination wins, you will be able to claim 1 additional point. Remember 1 nomination per GM per thread
This only applies to nominations that are NOT self-nominations.
Starting to look through offers now for #1 pick. If you messaged me, I'm considering and will get back to you. If you want a shot at it, send a message my way.
I'm not going to move up the RFA deadline or anything, but if you want to continue to use the draft thread to select 2nd rounders, feel free to do so. I won't impose a 2 hour time limit, but will auto-select for stewarded teams and teams that are on auto-select from missing their window in the 1st round (Kings, Suns).
Please PM 2nd round draft lists otherwise. We tried out the TV draft list feature last season, and it didn't seem to work properly.
As a new courtesy rule, anyone who is using the main node to input their own team's stuff must be clear of the main node 30 minutes prior to deadline to guarantee their inputs will get in on time.