Since only a couple people who volunteer for jobs actually do the jobs as described, I am proposing that we do away with the volunteer jobs completely. As it is, most of them are icing on the cake and don't really impede the necessary functions. Here's what I foresee for all jobs:
1. Volunteer Elections Coordinator - Though Todd's been doing this in a timely fashion, we won't need a VEC if we don't have volunteer positions.
2. Media Points Distributor - The job that nobody wants. Since I'm stuck doing this, I'm happy to do this going forward as part of commissioning duties with the modification that memes can only earn a maximum of 5 points.
3. DC Participation Coordinator - The goal of extra points was to award people who submitted via TV, but it hasn't really convinced people who don't or can't submit via TV to do that. I'd like to revert back to the 5 points max rule as outlined in the Points Breakdown and let people use the honor system. I'm doing most of the inputting anyway, and in the few seasons that we've approved extra TV submission points, they've only been actually calculated once.
4. Awards Voting Coordinator - These are really cool and all, but without people nominating, it's pretty much free points for the handful of folks who nominate themselves for every category. We can get rid of this.
5. HOF Coordinator - If Raby wants to keep doing this, I'm fine with it just because of the legacy he's created. If not, might as well nix this, too.
6. Banner Creator - We haven't had one of these in a while, so this can get axed.
7. Sim Vegas Planner - We don't have one of these all the time, so I don't think we need this.
8. Pick 'Em Coordinator - I love Pick 'Em, but it's not really necessary to the operation of PBSL.
1. RFA/Tax Coordinator - Ryan's been doing an excellent job at this appointed position. It's a lot of work, and it's necessary to keep sim league running smoothly. This needs to stay and is probably worth more than 5 points.
2. Waiver Process Coordinator - Andy's also been doing a great job at this. I'd make this an appointed position and let Andy keep doing this as long as he wants.