Commissioner Resignation

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Commissioner Resignation

Post by ballsohard »

Hey all,

Not sure if you've noticed (I'm sure you have), but my free time has been taken completely with some personal things (all good for once!). I am stepping down as the commissioner starting now, but will help transact some things into the future to make sure the league continues smoothly. I'll also be on the 'admin (shadow) team (council). At the end of the day, I did not have a ton of time to get sims done at 5 PM and I was pushing deadlines back as well as placing a large burden on some of the admins with my wonky schedule- which is a huge red flag that the time needed to do this job isn't there. In the meantime, Doug (iamquailman) is going to step in and take the reigns again at least temporarily. You're in great hands ! Thank you for allowing me to be commissioner, I know not all of it has gone completely smooth, and I apologize for that, but with the little time I had to spare, I did my best! I'll still be around as a (mostly) present GM of the 76ers!

Thank you,

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Re: Commissioner Resignation

Post by TheSyndicate »

Count me as the first on here to thank you for the time and effort you put in the last many seasons. Can't imagine how much work it is. Also very excited to see who gets kicked out of the league THIS time under the rule of the Quail. ;)
6 Rings. That's it. That's the tweet.
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Re: Commissioner Resignation

Post by kucoach7 »

Thanks for your time and effort
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Re: Commissioner Resignation

Post by IamQuailman »

The Dougtatorship is BACK

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