Volunteer Position Changes

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Volunteer Position Changes

Post by garbageman »

With 2 or 3 positions still not completing their duties by the end of S38, and not a lot of volunteers for next year's positions, I'd like to open up discussion on how to change the league responsibility process to make this more effective. Some ideas I have:

1. No limit on amount of volunteer positions one can run for.

2. Ability to claim points on multiple positions (maybe with a cap at 2).

3. Penalties for not completing a volunteered duty (e.g. consider an unfulfilled responsibility like a tax delinquency until the duty is completed).

4. Examine which, if any, positions can be retired in lieu of the honor system (and hopefully this won't become an intentionally abused thing, but the banks are confusing especially for new folks, so if we retire these positions, we can always add the position of Point Bank Nazi).
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Re: Volunteer Position Changes

Post by kucoach7 »

I think point number three might be the best option in my opinion. I am wary of 1 and 2 because I think a situation where we are giving one GM 3 positions and turning away other volunteers because of past slacking will cause unnecessary bickering. I'd rather have a very structured punishment system. Maybe something like this:

1. Volunteer coordinator issues warning at first sign of slacking and sets a deadline for the GM to complete certain responsibilities (if the GM has real life issues getting in the way, there can be some back and forth on the deadline to make it fair).

2. At the same time the warning is issued, a post is also made to the league soliciting volunteers to take the place of the volunteer in question. GMs are given a window to volunteer.

3. If the original volunteer fails to meet the deadline or surrenders the position at the issuance of the warning, a replacement volunteer will be chosen from the thread described in point 2. The first non-position-holding GM to post will be awarded the position. If the only backup volunteer to volunteer already has a position, they will be awarded the position. The back-up GM gets a pro-rated number of points up to the full amount as determined by the volunteer coordinator. The GM surrendering the position is fined a pro-rated number of points up to the full amount as determined by the volunteer coordinator.

If no one is too opposed to this, we can implement it now.
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