garbageman wrote: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:53 pm
Why do playoff teams not in the tax get an exception? Asking for a friend with a division rival with an OP
This is actually a very good question. What is the "problem" this suggestion is trying to fix?
Xist's original post seems to suggest it's to offset the problem of "raw rookies and the cost of training them" - but then it adds restrictions on teams to which the discount applies in the form of "non-playoff or teams who finished the previous season under the cap." (Also, additional point of clarification: under the CAP or under the APRON?)
The restrictions muddle the purpose of the suggestion. If the restriction was solely "non-playoff" teams it would be clear that this suggestion is intended to help poorer teams compete more quickly. If the restriction was solely "under the cap" teams it would be clear that this suggestion is intended to help fiscally responsible teams. All too often "fiscal irresponsibility" leads to "non-playoff team" so that doesn't seem right, either.
So, yeah, I think it would be a good idea to better define the fundamental problem we're trying to fix with discounts. Once we identify the fundamental thing we're trying to fix, coming up with restrictions will take care of itself.
For example, if the problem we're trying to solve is, "guys start out too raw" the restriction should probably be either "on their rookie deal" or "under the age of X" regardless of the team's playoff or cap status.
If the problem we're trying to solve is, "it's too hard for non-playoff teams to catch up to playoff teams" then the restriction should be "non-playoff teams" without also allowing playoff teams of a certain cap status to join.
If the problem we're trying to solve is "you aren't rewarded enough for fiscal responsibility" then the restriction should be "under the cap (or apron)" with no consideration of playoff status (and if this is the thing we're trying to reward, it seems like a redistribution to under-cap teams of some or all points collected from luxury tax teams lets the under-cap teams pay for extra trainings directly rather than having to do the extra bookkeeping around tracking whether or not they are eligible for a discount).
Finally, we're talking about a discount of .2 to .3 points on trainings so a savings of 2 or 3 points tops - is it really worth the headache?