Cutoff time for cutting players at trade deadline change

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Cutoff time for cutting players at trade deadline change

Post by TheSyndicate »

This suggestion is pretty simple - and for what it's worth rarely would affect me, including this year.

Current state:
Deadline for trades is 8pm
Deadline for cuts is 8pm
Deadline for DC's is 8:15pm (because if you strike a deadline deal, you have 15 minutes to get your DC right - which seems reasonable)

But what if you strike a deadline deal where you need to cut a player or two? You might miss the deadline. The proposed future state is to make the deadline for cuts match the DC deadline to accommodate that.

Proposed Future State:
Deadline for trades is 8pm
Deadline for cuts is 8:15pm
Deadline for DC's is 8:15pm
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Re: Cutoff time for cutting players at trade deadline change

Post by LoCo89 »

Hard pass, have your house in order
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Re: Cutoff time for cutting players at trade deadline change

Post by IamQuailman »

I wouldn't be opposed to the change. I don't like to be down to the wire but sometimes shit happens.
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