by Wombataholic »
I didn't realize that the sim was for 2/1 - 2/14, so the 2/15 game between the Lakers and Pelicans didn't happen yet. It will be in the next pick em.
With 8 of 10 games picked correctly, Nola and Ballsohard can each claim 2 points.
With 6 of 10 games picked correctly, Wig and TheSyndicate can each claim 1 point.
1 garbageman 62
2 NOLa 59
3 TheSyndicate 57
4 False9 55
5 Wombataholic 51
6 Ballsohard 50
7 digiskunk 48
8 Wignosy 44
9 IamQuailman 34
10 DarthVegito 16