2021-2022 Season 32 Pick 'Em Rules

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2021-2022 Season 32 Pick 'Em Rules

Post by garbageman »


This season's Pick 'Em, we're going to do something focused on TEAMS instead of PLAYERS.

Each sim, all you need to do is PM me, or post on the forum of the appropriate thread, 3 teams except for sim 7, which will be a traditional all star game sim (a submission template and scoring rules for sim 7 will be posted within the appropriate Pick 'Em thread). Over the course of the season, you must pick each team once.

For individual sims, the winner of each sim will get 2 points, and 2nd place will get 1 point. At the end of the season, the top 5 participants will be rewarded (3 points for 5th, 5 points for 4th, 8 points for 3rd, 12 points for 2rd, and 17 points for first). HOWEVER, winning an individual sim vs. the season sim will be judged based on slightly different criteria.

To win an individual sim, pick the teams with the highest combined cumulative points differential a team racks up over the course of the sim.

For each sim, we'll also count the wins and losses of the teams you picked over that sim and accumulate those to your overall win-loss ratio. The GM with the highest win-loss ratio at the end of the season wins the season Pick 'Em points. Every unpicked teams at the end of the season will result in 10 losses added to your season record.

For sim 12, if you have picked all 30 teams, you will still select 3 teams for the individual sim, and you may designate whether you want each of your sim 12 selections to overwrite the win loss record recorded in the previous pick of that team. If you have NOT picked all 30 teams by sim 12, you CAN use your sim 12 selections to pick teams you have not yet picked to avoid the 10 loss penalty, but you don't have to...so if you've only participated in a handful of Pick 'Ems and have no chance at any end of season points, you're free to just try and win the individual sim.
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