We reached out to members of the Nuggets after practice Thursday. They were able to obtain some quotes below:
Reporter: Kevin, you lost 3 of 4 games to these Jazz during the regular season, what does that mean to you in the playoffs?
Kevin Durant: Yeah, but I was only on the damn team for one of those games!
Reporter: Sure, but uh, you lost that game.
KD: How many points did I score tho?
Reporter: Jrue - injuries decimated the team at the end of last year, what are you doing to ensure your team doesn't wear down again down the stretch?
Jrue: You ever seen that movie Bubble Boy?
R: Uh, no actually
J: But you get the concept right?
R: I guess so...
J: Yeah, coach got us those. So we should be good.
R: Um, okay.
Reporter: Jose - You seem to really be fearless, but what do you say to recent reporting that you guys are sc-
Jose Jumper: Let me stop you right there. We ain't afraid of no team. Especially when Jose is on the floor. Jose gets after it. Jose gonna turn the Jazz into Kenny G - and the 'G' stands for 'Gettin beat by the Nuggets' - That's all there is to say.
Reporter: DeAndre, what do you think your chances are in this round?
DeAndre Jordan: We gonna win, just like you're gonna lose that microphone for asking that stupid question.
R: What do y-
*DJ knocks mic out of Reporter's hand and walks away*