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Welcome to the 1st edition of SLOECENTER's SC Featured SLOEday Conversation.
I've sat down with one of the long time SLOE GM greats Nick Malone the other day at his home for this interview. We talked about everything from Nicktogther, the ups and downs early in his SLOE career to winning his 1st championship as a SLOE GM.


Eazy P: What an honor to I have here today, the pleasure of being at the home of Nick Malone in suburban New York the place near where he grew up. An honor to have you with us. Thank you for doing this.


Nick Malone: "Of course. My home is your home and I'm glad you could make it up here this time of year. Yes, it may snow but you'll never feel overwhelmed by the heat or freezing temperatures. New York is beautiful and I love where I live. It's away from the hustle and bustle of Manhattan, and now booming borough of Brooklyn, but still close enough to get what you need and feel free.

I also love the game of basketball. It's the #1 sport where you can bottle up that team mentality and the individual talents to create a brand of basketball that everyone can enjoy. I've been involved in SLOE for a long time and I've made some mistakes along the way but it's helped to develop that mentality to always do better. Building the team better than when you last left it and creating an identity where you never give up no matter how many times you get knocked down. Now, you'll get to experience what the likes of Tom Gugliotta, Mookie Blaylock, Zach Randolph, Damian Lillard, among many others have all gotten to experience. So please..... Make yourself at home and take a seat."

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Eazy P:New York is a wonderful city and I can tell you I am enjoying my self out here. I've did some sight seeing, visited the Statue of Liberty and enjoyed the NY cuisine. Now you said that you have been apart of SLOE for long time.....How did you 1st get involved or even hear about this particular Basketball Sim League.


Nick Malone: "Funny you should mention that...

Now before this, I've never been apart of any game of this nature. I've played fantasy sports and video games before but never to the level of being this in depth with every transaction, setting up a game plan and depth chart to win night in and night out.

I was a fan of the Charlotte Hornets growing up and Glen Rice was actually the one guy that got me into watching basketball and having an actual interest in the team. You couldn't go anywhere without seeing a Chicago Bulls, or New York Knicks, or Charlotte Hornets starter jacket. The Hornets colors spoke to me in a way that the Bulls and Knicks couldn't. Became a fan of the team and followed them when they moved down to New Orleans.

I stumbled along a fan forum website and originally was looking for like minded fans to join my fantasy basketball league at the time. That's where Ben came in. He sent me a private message one day and helped to shepherd me in to learning the ropes about this game. I was presented with two opportunities when the new league, SLOE, was looking for new owners. I could either take over the Chicago Bulls or the New Orleans Pelicans. I chose New Orleans who soon turned into the Charlotte Hornets.

So you have Ben, to blame or thank for opening the door to play this great game."
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Eazy P: Wow this interesting you are from New York and not Knicks fan. You were a Charlotte Hornets fan and those teams were pretty good in the 90's and crazy thing is they drafted Kobe Bryant. I am wondering if things would've been different if he had never been traded to the lakers. Would this team be currently in NOLA, would Nick be apart of SLOE. It's great to know Ben played a part into bringing you into SLOE.

Now Nick your 1st few seasons maybe even 5 seasons you were on the wrong side of some one-sided trades. A trape waiting to happen. There was even that Gugs trade where you traded him to a team only to get him back 60 days later. What was going through your mind at the time? What went into early decision making when trading as a newbie GM.


Nick Malone: "Ah yes, the beginning to my sim legacy. Everybody struggles I think in the beginning to grasp the impact of talent when you're fresh faced and new to this adventure. Especially when you're faced with an older roster. There were a ton of mistakes in the building and helped to create the hoodie as well. It sucks when you trade a franchise cornerstone. It also sucks when you hold onto a guy too long to the point that it dries up his return value also. So it's a catch twenty two. It took till 1994 to finally get a winner in Charlotte. Took that Hornets team to the Eastern Conference finals with Gugs and Mookie and Ewing.

I never really like to sell unless it's absolutely necessary. I always try to make the best possible trades that also helps both sides. Trading Gugs I thought at the time would bring in a great return of young guys that'd help for the future. I know one trade brought in Jalen Rose and another brought in Derrick Fisher. Gugs got his first ring with Toronto if memory serves correct. But in making those terrible trades at the time, I guess it made me an easy target to trade with.

Then as time went on, trades were more and more favorable and I got a pretty favorable report with just about everyone in the league. Pretty satisfied at this point to have made a trade with just about everyone in the league. Some that take 10 minutes and some that takes weeks to construct but if you have a target, always try to keep up a workable dialogue and see what the other GM is searching for and more times than not, a trade could be made."
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Eazy P: Trades seems like your favorite thing to do here. I think you and Quail may have the most trades processed in league history. Speaking of Quail...Doug, he was the guy who spearheaded Nicktogether, which was fun. A GM who I will not name was on "call" that whole weekend missed out. Even 42 showed up. I am not going to lie I though when he and Logan were in the same place together a bar room brawl was going to breakout but fortunately they were really cool with each other in person.

Did ever think after joining this league that you would have met up with fellow GMs in person?


Nick Malone: Well Trades are apart of the game. What fun is it if there's no trade activity. I enjoy talking trades with my fellow GMs. It's one of the best things about this league. Yeah I think me and Doug are the most active traders in the league.

Ah...Nicktogether Nick together was so fun. I had a great time meeting some of the GMs and actually went to a Pelicans game too. Me and my wife had a great time in NOLA and enjoyed you guys southern hospitality. I am looking forward to making a return trip in the near future. But never in a million years I thought I would have had meet up the guys here. I actually have a few pictures from the time I spent in New Orleans



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Eazy P: This offseason you were the talk of SLOE when signing Kyrie Irving who was a UFA. A war of words started between you and his former team's GM. Why do you think this happen because leading up to UFA you and him had war of words on Skype. I mean it got to the point where it is a possibility it could get physical. Watching the presser and Kyrie said and I Quote:

"I kept hearing from their front office how Charlotte was going to spend more than any other team and openly flaunted how they were going to amass the biggest taxes amongst the entire league. How they were going to win the championship with the greatest roster ever assembled. They paid Klay. They acquired DeAndre Jordan and Rudy Gobert. They kept John Wall. They basically acted like they owned me and that it was a foregone conclusion that I would stay in Charlotte forever.

Nobody owns Kyrie Irving…. So I just grew tired of the charade and games. I wanted to go where I would feel loved and appreciated."

Seems like he was unhappy with management in Charlotte. Do you think your good relationship with Doug help in his decision to go to the Pels or was the management that bad in the place your team used to play their home games?


Nick Malone: I really can’t speak to the motives or bidding tactics of other teams. Kyrie wanted to come to a team to be THE Leader. I put a bid on Kyrie Irving because honestly he was a max worthy talent and his play warranted that kind of bid. I expected every other team to bid the same for his services. Kyrie just wanted to sign with us and I’m greatful for it. I don’t regret a thing.

I never tell anyone how to act. We are grown adults I’d like to think all of us are and most of us get on relatively positive terms. That’s how trades are made. I never wish to see anyone lose or suffer a debilitating injury. I want to win as bad as everyone else which is probably why it’s so hard to sell to a fan base that you’re going to lose for a few years to rebuild the entire roster.

As a message to everyone, “Pride cometh before the fall” or the hoodie comes out.
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Eazy P: Ok so lets talk about Hoodie Nick who is Hoodie Nick? Some would say Hoodie Nick 1st came on the scene after the move from Charlotte to NOLA and revealed himself after winning your 1st title. Is Hoodie Nick like the Incredible Hulk, piss him off enough and he rips his shirt off revealing a Hoodie? I don't want to be caught alone in a room with that guy.

Nick Malone: Hoodie Nick is probably best described as a New Yorker, honestly. Someone that will always tell it like it is and never sugar coat the truth. Some take that as a way of being disparaging. Some just can’t handle the truth.

I’m not one to openly gloat or mock others because I’d like to think we are all adults. Also, karma has a funny way of changing around the story at a moments notice.

I think it’s just as a way of putting on that hoodie and feeling almost invincible for all the disrespect this team faces almost on a daily basis. You would think that winning a ring would’ve changed that mindset but I think some look at my accomplishments and trades as a joke. It’s a shame really because anyone is welcome to spend the day or however much time one needs to have a conversation and enjoy life.

This game shouldn’t be the end all-be all to life’s great adventure. It’s a great chapter but I’m a son, a brother, a soon to be father, dog lover, with a beautiful wife (who is my better half that), that I’m more proud of than anything I’ve ever accomplished in this game.

The Hoodie is something that makes me feel comfortable in like anyone would be in jeans or a vest. It’s a great all weather type of item. It’s also a great equalizer for when everyone else wants to watch the New Orleans Pelicans and world burn. It won’t be on my watch no matter how long I play this game.

Eazy P: Hoodie Nick does tell it like it is and I think some didn't expect this side to come out because you are a nice person. Will there be a Hoodie Nick Day vs your biggest Rival on Novenber 21, 2019 vs the Bobcats? I am still wondering where this rivary came from. Kind of came out of nowhere and escalated with the Kyrie situation

Nick Malone: I never had a problem with another team moving into the city which we formerly called home. Charlotte gave us a great fan base that supported us for many, many years. It's unfortunate that the current owner feels the way that he does. I honestly think this outburst would've happened wherever Kyrie signed just because it's so rare that a star in his prime turns down a super max contract to sign elsewhere. Because he signs with me, cue the crocodile tears, feigned rage, and disrespect.

His team is great and an honest finals contender. My squad realistically isn't close to that unless we trade for another star to put next to Kyrie. Given the market, that could be possible but it's difficult to say right now whether that'll happen or not at least this year. I'm actually proud of having a competitive team and being under the tax for the first time in a few years. It's often hard to do that because in order to win, that means you have to spend through the nose to do it. Charlotte has a lot to be proud of whether they want to admit it or not.

When it comes down to a match up between us, we'll be ready to play regardless of who wins and gets the L. I think the media often makes more out of it than what it is but I've never had a problem putting someone in their place if they act up or want to disrespect the Pelicans. A hoodie would go great with your vest by the way.
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Eazy P: I think Hoodie Vest would be nice. Please be sure to send me one when you get a chance. I'll wear it on my next cruise. I have A few more questions for you. You mentioned about becoming a dad earlier. How does that feel? We all know becoming a parent is a blessing. Your wife who we all know you love, never missing a WCW on facebook, carrying life inside of her. That alone is a blessing.

Nick Malone: It definitely is. I'm honored and blessed that God and the right combination of human biology has made this gift possible. I see all the other Dad's in the league and seeing the pictures (of the second generation of potential SLOE GM's) warms my heart because I'm excited to experience those moments and memories also. Getting to raise the child right from wrong and making them possible wrestling buddies and getting to view life from their developing eyes and mindset is probably what I'll cherish the most.

This being my first time and all, it's definitely been an adventure. I don't how women are able to do this. Us men definitely have it easy. They should probably get a medal of honor or something going through all the body changes and medical testing getting ready to birth the child. Getting trade negotiations going with some GM's has absolutely nothing on the harrowing difficulties our women go through. When coming home, the wife may want a quick trip to the local fast food place to satisfy a craving but happy wife means a happy life in the end.

Your hoodie vest will definitely be in the mail soon enough, just gotta get the right size and flotation floaties inside the hoodie just in case you happen to capsize at sea.

Eazy P: LOL....Yes I will need those Floaties because I can't swim.

After being a GM for so many seasons and coming close once before, How did it feel to finally win a Championship and winning it as the Pelicans? we all Know how hard it is to win A Title in SLOE.


Nick Malone: That title was the culmination of every struggle, every trade, every season that this team has had to endure. That title was New Orleans in every sense of the word and what it meant to the city. By far, the most complete team. Maybe not necessarily the flashiest or best but they grit it out every game. The acquisition of Artest really gave this team another dimension and a defensive identity that hadn't previously been seen. Blake and Dame coming into their own. Greg Monroe and Tobias Harris doing their thing. I loved every bit of that team and what it meant to overcome multiple game 7's and to grind each series out against the games best consecutively against Durant, Love, and Deron Williams all at their best.

By far my best and most rewarding moment playing this game.
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Save the date.
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Eazy P: OK one thing before we end this interview.....lets play a game I am going to say one word and you tell me the first thing that comes to your mind.


Nick Malone: Huntington's best and one of the best players to ever put on a Hornets uniform.

Eazy P: Cena

Nick Malone: One of the greatest pro wrestlers of all time.

Eazy P: Gentry

Nick Malone: What I feel like watching him coach the real life Pelicans...

Eazy P: know I had to ask LOL.

Nick Malone: Respected GM. I wish him nothing but the best in Charlotte.

Eazy P: Doug

Nick Malone: Friend and respected GM. Pelicans Super Fan and easily annoyed by loud eaters.

Eazy P: ELI

Nick Malone: A great QB with 2 super bowl rings who's coming to the end of the road. A proud native of New Orleans. A hater can SMDFTB.

Eazy P: SLOE

Nick Malone: Family.


Eazy P: Ok Nick this concludes our interview it was a pleasure being here at your doing this exclusive interview. Look forward to talking to you in the future


Nick Malone: Thanks Eazy. It was a pleasure talking with you. I hope you enjoyed your stay here. My door is always open.
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Eazy and Nick can collect 5 points

RPF can collect 3 points for the picture edits.
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