IamQuailman wrote: Wed Jan 10, 2018 9:19 am
Hey Skip & Stephen A, what are your thoughts on the new CBA discussions (Suggestion box revamp threads)

Stephen A, one of the things that makes this league the best in the world is the fact that it functions democratically — for the most part. At the end of each season, general managers come together and voice their opinions (i.e. vote) on any pending rule changes or alterations to how the game is played, or how it functions; and just like them, here we are, you and I, discussing these same matters. I must admit, I am a little honored to be given the opportunity to voice my complete and utter
DISGUST at how
SOME of these so-called
GENERAL MANAGERS wish to change the face of the PBSL. A few seasons ago, we granted lottery teams the right to rename their draft picks. This makes the game much more enjoyable for everybody involved, because you can sort of "customize" your players to an extent. This rule allowed for players such as LAVAR BALL, LONZO BALL, and DESEAN HAWKINS to enter the league. But because of a SELECT FEW CONTROVERSIAL NAMES (shoutouts to Barmelo Xanthony), all of a sudden we're talking about REVOKING the rule. How about instead, we ALTER the rule, and allow for some OVERSIGHT from the COMMISSIONER himself, eh?
Now that I've gotten that out of my system, let's discuss the rookie training. As we saw last offseason, it was nothing short of a complete mess; newbies had no clue what the hell they were doing, and even veterans were a little confused. I think it would be in the league's best interest to do something to help rookies develop at a faster rate, quite like many of their NBA counterparts (here's looking at you Joel Embiid). I say, let's allow for some ADDITIONAL free rookie training — or at least let's give the youngsters a lil boost in their attributes or some crap like that. And while we're at it, let's allow for some FREE player insurance as well — let's say, 2 per team. This will help PROTECT a team's assets while giving them the TOOLS to develop at a FASTER RATE. If Bernie Sanders were commissioner of this league, it would happen, you know it would happen.
Lastly, let's discuss this new MLE proposal. I have no clue how the hell the MLE (mid-level exception) works. I can barely pay my car insurance on time, let alone pay attention to a mid-level exception rule. HOWEVER! I will say this! If the league believes it to be something that is DESIRABLE and would make the league more realistic and balanced, then I am all in favor. Wigs has a long-standing record of making sound, logical proposals, as well as coming up with responsible and desirable solutions. Unlike Adam Silver, he's everything that this league needs and wants right now (besides more 711 hotdogs) and I'm sure everything will be fine JUST AS LONG as he is in complete control of everything.
Any more questions, mysterious Quailperson?