Create your team point bank, document your points, use them to do as you please. Please update of your point total in your first post, and document your earnings within your point bank.
2012 Points
Andrew Bogut - Player Makes All-Star Team - 2 points
Tony Allen - Player Makes All-Defense Team (First or Second Team) - 1 point
Mike Scott - Player Makes All-Rookie Team (First or Second Team) - 1 point
Andrew Bogut - Player averages a double-double for the season - 2 points
34 Wins - Every 5 regular-season games won (round all fractions down) - 6 points
4 Wins - Regular Season Win Streak - 2 points
Pre-Season Presser - 5 points
2012 SUBTOTAL: +19
2013 Points
Giannis Antetokounmpo - Player wins Rookie of the Year - 2 point
Giannis Antetokounmpo - Player Makes All-Rookie Team (First or Second Team) - 1 point
18 Wins - Every 5 regular-season games won (round all fractions down) - 3 points
4 Wins - Regular Season Win Streak - 2 points
2013 SUBTOTAL: +8
2014 points
Joel Embiid - Player Makes All-Rookie Team (First or Second Team) - 1 point
20 wins - Every 5 regular-season games won (round all fractions down) - 4 point
4 wins - Regular Season Win Streak - Each team receives points equal to longest win streak during the regular season divided by two - 2 points
Previous Balance: 1 point
Trades and 2014 points: 23+7 = +30 points
Training Camp protection on Giannis, Embiid, and Lecroix = -30 points
Ending Balance: 1 point
Back in the day, I won the division a few times...
2015 points
Gustave Lecroix - Player Makes All-Rookie Team (First or Second Team) - 1 point
31 wins - Every 5 regular-season games won (round all fractions down) - 6 point
6 wins - Regular Season Win Streak - Each team receives points equal to longest win streak during the regular season divided by two - 3 points
Salary Tax penalty - -4 points
Beginning Total - 1 point
Additions - 6 points
Ending Total - 7 points
Back in the day, I won the division a few times...
Player Makes All-Rookie Team (First or Second Team) - 1 point - James Ellis
+1 point (balance 17)
Every 5 regular-season games won (round all fractions down) - 1 point (20 games = 4 points)
+4 points (balance 21)
Regular Season Win Streak - Each team receives points equal to longest win streak during the regular season divided by two (round fractions down). 3 games (12/27, 12/30, 12/31) rounds down to 1
+1 point (balance 22)
+8, 42 Wins (19)
+2, 5 game win streak (21)
+3, Make playoffs (25)
+1, Lecroix 1st in 3pt pct (26)
+3, Briseno All League 1st Team (29)
+2, Briseno All Star (31)
+2, Lecroix All Star (33)
+10, 51 wins (43)
+4, 9 game win streak (47)
+3, Make playoffs (50)
+1, Damion Williams top 5 points (51)
+1, Tristan Bosworth top 5 assists (52)
+1, Damion Williams, top 3 ft% (53)
+1, Gustave LeCroix, top 3 3pt% (54)
+1, Alvin Briseno, all league 3rd team (55)
+1, Clay Brown, all rookie 2nd team (56)
+7, 36 wins (63)
+2, 5 game win streak (65)
+3, Make Playoffs (68)
+2, Alvin Briseno all league 2nd team (70)
+1, Gustave LeCroix all league 3rd team (71)
+1, Alvin Briseno all defense (72)
+1, Ronald Jackson all rookie (73)
+2, Gustave LeCroix all star (75)
+2, Alvin Briseno all star (77)
+5, 26 wins (82)
+1, 3 game streak (83)
+2, Briseno all star (85)
+2, Briseno all league 2nd team (87)
+5, 29 wins (92)
+1, 3 game streak (93)
+2, Briseno all star (95)
+1, Briseno top 5 scoring (96)
+3, Briseno all league 1st team (99)