This sim on Pick 'Em, we're going to play a game of blowouts and buzzer beaters. Before we get into the rules, let's review the concept of Pick 'Em overall this season.
First, EVERYONE can play every week. The best score from your division will be ranked against the best score from the rest of the divisions, so participation can only help your division's cause. Furthermore, you'll get points at the end of the season for having good attendance. If you missed last week, that's ok. You can still earn maximum points. With 12 sims per season, here's how the attendance points break down.
Participate in 11+ Pick 'Ems: 5 points
Participate in 10 Pick 'Ems: 4 points
Participate in 9 Pick 'Ems: 3 points
Participate in 8 Pick 'Ems: 2 points
Participate in 7 Pick 'Ems: 1 point
Participate in 6 or fewer Pick 'Ems: No soup for you
Furthermore, if your division has the most cash at the end of Pick 'Em, you get 5 points...UNLESS YOU DON'T PARTICIPATE IN ANY PICK 'EMS. Here's the standings after week 1.
1st Place: $600
2nd Place: $300
3rd Place: $100
4th Place: The knowledge that it's not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game.
Now, here are the rules for this sim's Pick 'Em:
For each day, pick the game you think will be the closest OR the game that you think will be the biggest blowout. You don't even have to pick a winner. It's pretty simple.
For an example of best practices in formatting, here is my official entry:
nov 16: Knicks @ Raptors (BO)
nov 17: Spurs @ Nuggets (closest)
nov 18: Kings @ Warriors (BO)
nov 19: Rockets @ Bucks (Blowout) - SAVE THE DATE
nov 20: Celtics @ Heat (Closest)
nov 21: Sonics @ Knicks (BO)
nov 22: Kings @ Nuggets (BO)
nov 23: Nuggets @ Raptors (Closest)
nov 24: Heat @ Nets (Closest)
nov 25: Lakers @ Pistons (BO)
nov 26: Knicks @ Bulls (BO)
nov 27: Wolves @ Sixers (Closest)
nov 28: Bucks @ Lakers (BO)
nov 29: Rockets @ Jazz (Closest)
nov 30: Grizzlies @ Heat (Closest)
garbageman wrote: Wed May 17, 2017 3:16 pm
Didn't mention this before, but deadline is 5:00pm today. You know, when the sim is gonna be run. So if you haven't yet, get your shits in
Watch out, they have some guys trying to sneak past deadlines and quote "precedent"