IamQuailman wrote:Let's get a discussion going!
I think the bar was set SO LOW for this PPV that we all expected shit.... so when we got better than shit, it stood out as one of the better mania's in the past years. The ending was amazing. I genuinely cheered when Rollins came out and got the pin. I don't hate Reigns, but I am not a fan of force feeding a guy who still needs some work down our throats. But props to him for taking the bumps he did against Lesnar... Lesnar beat the shit outta him.
I hate this term force feeding when it comes to a scripted show. Especially when it looks like they booked Reigns here so that the two biggest guys in the room could demolish each other so that the end game could be achieved - Rollins executing the best cash in imaginable.
As a Bryan guy, it all makes sense now how they booked to that WM-mania moment of Rollins walking out like a thief in the night. They couldn't put Bryan or Cena or Ziggler in that position because it wouldn't have been realistic. Rollins needed these two to destroy each other.
In the end, Reigns needs supreme credit for selling the shit out of that match and serving as a sacrificial lamb. He took the hate from all the fans for not being their guy, and in the end we got a great moment that seemed to be the end goal the entire time. I think Reigns may end up being a mid-card guy but in this instance he did his job very well.
Back in the day, I won the division a few times...