Original Proposal:
If this proposal passes, once more than one team has been mathematically eliminated from the playoffs, that team's DC will be set by another (also-eliminated) owner as follows:
Eliminated teams are numbered 1 through N in order of record.
When an even number of teams have been eliminated, team N (i.e., the team with the best record) sets the DC for team 1 (team with the worst record) and vice versal. Team N-1 sets the DC for team 2 and vice versa. Team N-2 sets the DC for team 3 and vice versa, etc.
If an odd number of teams have been eliminated, team N (i.e., the team with the best record) still sets their own DC. Team N-1 sets the DC for Team 1. Team N-2 sets the DC for team 2 and vice versa, etc.