I feel like in the current point system there is no reward for winning a championship other than 4 points. I would like to propose that a 16 point award be given to champions. The champ will naturally get 16 points for winning it all throughout the playoffs by claiming "win a round in playoffs" points 4 times. I think it would be fair that as champ you should see something more than just those 4 points for winning it all. So how about taking that 16 points and then adding a "Win Championship" category for 16 points (basically doubling their earnings for winning it all).
It's been talked about a lot since the league changed it's points system 10+ seasons ago. And it's a common criticism come NBA Finals. If passed, I think all champs under that have won under this new point system should be allowed to retro claim the 16 points as well. This is an addendum to the proposal. I would definitely like to see this going forward. I wouldn't mind personally if it was retro.