From the journal of Xist2inspire, in the year 2000:
Darn it, they're gonna hate me for this...
...I seem to have made a terrible mistake. They didn't notice (but I did) that not too long after posting my Countdown to Y2K: A Sim League Retrospective article, two of the "Franchise Players of the Decade," Shaquille O'Neal and Latrell Sprewell, were sent packing. At first I found it a bit shocking, yes, but ultimately thought it was no big deal. But then, right at the start of the 2000 offseason, something horrible happened. 3 more "Frachise Players of the Decade" - Shawn Kemp, Chris Webber, and OPenny Hardaway - found themselves on the trading block. It then became crystal clear to me that I had unwittingly unleashed a horrible curse upon the league. Yes, in this universe, the Y2K bug, the apocalypse, is real - and I started it. Oops. Even though I cannot change the hand of fate, I can at least attempt to identify those who may be afflicted by the curse...so I can get in on the action this time. Hell, why should Quail and Wig have all the fun anyway?