Reminder for those inputting bids via TeamViewer...
1. When you hit the "Max" button, the "Submit" button may remain greyed out. This is because the game code that determines the dollar amount on max contracts can round up when the game code that checks if raises are legal rounds down (yes, I know... I didn't code it).
2. If you get into a situation where the computer won't let you hit "Submit" because it thinks your raises are illegal, you can get the game to automatically fix your bid to make it legal by repeated presses of the "Tab" button. You will eventually see the left hand column (where your bid dollar amounts are) highlighted. Hit tab while one of these years is highlighted and it skips to the next year... and adjusts the bid down (if over max) or up (if under min) to make your bid legal. That means if you repeatedly press "Tab" until all four years have been highlighted, it will adjust your bids and the "Submit" button should become pressable as soon as you tab away from the final contract year.
This is a known bug in the Fast Break program and given it's been years since a patch I doubt it is in line to get fixed any time soon.
You may notice on TeamViewer that a player's "max contract" amount may be higher than what is listed on the contract checker page. In almost every case I have seen, this is due to the "raise over last salary" rule - trial and error suggests a max is either wat is on the salary checker page OR 105% of previous year's salary, whatever is larger (this is not in the FBB documentation). For example, in the 2018 offseason, the salary checker ( says a player with 9 years of experience has a max salary of $27,041,171; however, if you look at James Harden's page, you will note the max for him starts at $31,133,658 instead. If you check his 2017 player page ( you will note his salary was $29,651,103 in 2017. 105% of $29,651,103 is ... that's right, $31,133,658. So please remember that some players may be eligible for bigger "maxes" than others thanks to the 105% rule. This is laid out in the UFA post but since I've had a couple of people ask me about it, I thought it was worth re-iterating.