ANOTHER Commissioner Announcement

Commissioner Announcements will be posted here!
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ANOTHER Commissioner Announcement

Post by IamQuailman »

I want to say, first and foremost, congratulations to syndicate for winning his first PBSL Sim League Championship! It's been a long time coming, and he has come a long way from the days when he sat opposite of me in a small cramped office, asking me "What are you doing over there? That's not work". Good times, lol...

Anyway, while remembering the good ole days is fun, it's not the main purpose for this thread. After a lot of thought and consideration, I have decided to officially step down as Commissioner of our sim league. It's been an incredibly great run, and I owe it to each and every one of you for making it as awesome as it has been. It's crazy to think we've been doing this league for 17 seasons already... GOING ON 18! With some flux in my life (career, baby on the way, side business/projects), I don't have the capacity to give the position of "Commissioner" the attention it needs. This actually has been something weighing on my mind since the beginning of the year (even before that initial "Commissioner Announcement" thread).

So I'm sure you are sitting/standing/wacking off there wondering "So what happens to the league?" Don't worry. It's not going anywhere. And honestly, it probably won't feel much different than it already feels. Wignosy has agreed to take on the role of "Commissioner" of our league. He's been incredibly influential in starting this league, a great point person for putting everything in perspective and looking at things from a macro-level. He's going to post in here in a bit to talk about the transition.

Now what does this mean for Quail? I'm just gunna be a regular ole GM. I will continue to help inputting whenever I have the opportunity and will continue to be an active member of the league. aka I'm just not going to be the person to tell you YAY or NAY anymore.

All-in-all, nothing really is changing outside of the "disciplinarian". lol But I just wanted to announce this here and make it official.

Wig will post on here in a bit, and answer any question you might have. I believe we will be working to get the off-season schedule out shortly. We've been discussing the transition, which is the reason it hasn't been posted yet.

Once again thank you guys for the great run. #SLOE
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Re: ANOTHER Commissioner Announcement

Post by WigNosy »

Thanks to Doug - and Darth before him - for the work they have put in to the league.

I don't have anything long-winded to say right now - but give me time. ;) In the near-term (i.e., the coming off-season and regular season) we'll move forward as we usually do due simply to time constraints - but there are a number of ideas languishing in the Suggestion Threads that I would like move into "final discussion" phase for a definitive answer - either "yes, we're going to do that" or "no, we're not going to go that route" - but at least we'll have some closure on these.

Expect a post with the off-season schedule later tonight and probably something a little longer from me tomorrow. But rest assured, at least for now, it's business as usual and we'll be looking to move things forward!
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Re: ANOTHER Commissioner Announcement

Post by kucoach7 »

Thank you to Doug, Darth, Wig, and everyone else that contributes. I appreciate you guys putting in the hard work to keep the league going.
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Re: ANOTHER Commissioner Announcement

Post by IamQuailman »

kucoach7 wrote:Thank you to Doug, Darth, Wig, and everyone else that contributes. I appreciate you guys putting in the hard work to keep the league going.
You're welcome!
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