Player Injuries

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Player Injuries

Post by WigNosy »

A player who has an injury with a duration of 8 days or longer will not play (he is "out") even if listed on your depth chart.

A player who has an injury with a duration of 7 days or fewer will play if listed on your depth chart, but at reduced effectiveness. The higher the duration of the injury, the less effective (e.g., he might be at 80% with 7 days left but will probably be 95% or more with 1 day left).

Since sims go about 15 days at a time, that means if you have a player with, say, a 12-day injury on your squad, and put him in your Depth Chart, he will sit out games on the first 4 days of the sim (while he has 8+ days to go), will play games on the next 7 days of the sim at a reduced effectiveness (getting more effective as the sim progresses) and will play games in the final 4-5 days of the sim at full strength.

It has been speculated (and hinted at by the developer, though not outright confirmed) that playing an injured player before he is fully recovered (e.g., in the last 7 days he is listed on the injury report) puts that player at greater risk for (another) injury.
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