POWERRR Rankings S1

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POWERRR Rankings S1

Post by AngryBanana »

Hey all and welcome back to a favorite of mine, the Powerrr rankings. I have had to make some edits due to my old macros that I used are no longer supported in sheets. So I decided to try a new approach. I took the team page and tried to average those rankings I felt were important, who cares about things like FG attempts after all..., and then I averaged those numbers out and applied a rank to it. Easy enough for now. I may try to expand on it as time goes by, but this is the best answer I have for now and so here we are. Are you curious how you did in pre-season? Did you do well? Did you play like shit? Well lets see on this table that presents things in a new light!

PS: I have compared it to the forum's power rankings, and it is different!
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Re: POWERRR Rankings S1

Post by AngryBanana »

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Re: POWERRR Rankings S1

Post by IamQuailman »

Stop the count.
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Re: POWERRR Rankings S1

Post by AngryBanana »

1_Power Rankings S 69 - Power Rankings-3.jpg I am still working through a few kinks and think I have fixed the final product from a viewpoint. Let me know if you see anything off (other than where you are ranked)...
Sim One
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Re: POWERRR Rankings S1

Post by AngryBanana »

Sim Two
Ok, I think we are still about three sims at least from it really making sense as far as who are the best teams but a few things of note:
Pistons are better than anyone expected and may have staying power.
My team got hit HARD this sim in the W/L column and it shows in the POWERRR rankings
The Nets made a huge jump, getting up to third on the back of Dawkins who I think maybe half of the league either wanted to draft before Ed got him, OR GMs are going to want him now that they see the results.
San Diego also dropped really far in the standings, like the Celtics, due to the team not performing well across the board how JNR probably expected. They will be good in years to come, with such a young core, but JNR is probably wanting to secure some points early.
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Re: POWERRR Rankings S1

Post by AngryBanana »

Sim Three
Another sim in the books, another sim that holds the Pistons at the top of the POWERRR rankings. The crux of this team playing so well is that they are a top 10 team in everything except three categories: Blocks, Steals, and 3 point %. What is even more impressive though is the fact that they are top five in EIGHT categories: Points, OReb, DReb, Rebounds (First), FG%, FT%, Points Per Shot, and adjusted FG%. It seems that his team is just super solid. However, lets see what happens over the next 40 days with his starting PG out. This year, more time than any other requires little injuries to your best players. Although, he may be fine since his team is doing so well in categories like rebounding and defense.

The biggest risers were Houston (fixed the name from NickMalone to #78 after posting this picture) and my Boston Celtics. I think that I am a few tweaks away from getting a better team as I believe I may be tiring out my players too much currently with some of my game planning to make my team more opportunistic. Let's see how that changes things in the next few sims if I remember to change it. The Rockets also seem to be hitting their stride of sorts, going 6-4 in their last ten and getting over .500 on the season. In addition to the only worth 3 point shooter of Larry Bird, it looks like Otis Birdsong was a great addition to the team and potentially a steal of a third round pick.

The lowest drop of the sim was RPF. HIs team is still playing good, but IDK what the mirage is: the schedule and teams wins or this. One will drop to get more close to the other over time though. However, I think RPF still will have a great record no matter what given how weak our division is shaping out to be outside of him and I.

Another noted performance, or lack there of, is between the Hawks and the 76ers. Which team will tank harder this season? Only time will tell!
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Re: POWERRR Rankings S1

Post by AngryBanana »

Sim 4
Y'know I build this thing out, and it really has managed to confuse me every time I look at it. Today's surprise is the Phoenix Suns. They probably shouldn't be a surprise given their talented threesome of Magic, Mcadoo, and Long, but they have been a steady riser in the standings and now sit at a record of 18-11 and top ten in almost every statistical category that is tracked by the game. Looking at their team page, it does look like they are very balanced team, Where they are either top ten in producing or preventing in every stat, except for steals where they are 11th in producing and giving up. It will be interesting to see if once more activity is required of Dr.K if this team will persist, or will he forget to insure a player here or there (looking at magic) and the player tanks in TC similar towards the end of the Dr. K Knicks era.

The biggest riser this sim was K100 and the Mavs, who now sit atop of their division, and jumped 7 spots in the rankings. It seems like offense is the basis of their team, with a high value on rebounding and assists given out. They have done well to score, as well as get the ball back if they miss.

The biggest drop was the Pistons this sim. It looks like they maybe were relying a little bit too much on Rickey Green because they have gone 3-7 in their last 10 games and was around the time Green went out. Hopefully he can turn it around, but let's wait and see.
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Re: POWERRR Rankings S1

Post by WigNosy »

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Re: POWERRR Rankings S1

Post by IamQuailman »

WigNosy wrote: Wed Dec 25, 2024 4:30 pm#TheySleep
Top of the division with a winning record & 5th from the bottom of the standings.... What kinda broke ass power rankings is this?! ;)
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Re: POWERRR Rankings S1

Post by AngryBanana »

IamQuailman wrote:
WigNosy wrote: Wed Dec 25, 2024 4:30 pm#TheySleep
Top of the division with a winning record & 5th from the bottom of the standings.... What kinda broke ass power rankings is this?! ;)
Being bottom three of several categories will do that in this situation.

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Re: POWERRR Rankings S1

Post by AngryBanana »

Sim 5
Another sim down, and Portland are still in 19th even though they are proving to be a powerhouse of a team. Portland currently sit at the top of their division and are also the top team of their conference. So they are no joke at all. They appear to be a team that knows what they do well, and focus on that. Where they are #1 in D Rebounding, Rebounding, Fouls, and Points per shot. They are also top 5 in points and FG %. This leads to the team being very efficient and allows them to outscore other teams while also taking advantage of the other teams mistakes. Wig's team is no joke and should not be taken lightly, however there are a few cracks in that armor. He plays ISO ball it looks like with being last in assists overall, also is in last for steals overall which means he also doesn't have the means of taking the ball back unless you miss your shot. His margin for turnovers is also dead last. So, if he faces another team that can convert their shots, he may run into problems.

In other news, the Nuggets were the biggest risers this sim. This is on the back of Alex English, where the Nuggets probably go as far as he will take them. They had an impressive six game win streak where they beat Chicago and Portland during that stretch. The Nuggets do few things bad, and are good at assists and getting that free throws down, which is a nice combo to have.

A team that dropped that I want to highlight are the Pacers. Pauly has built a juggxrnaught here it looks like from the highest point diff of 10, and the next closest being 4, and an impressive three player core of Dantley, Carroll, and Silas who all are averaging over 30 points. So this team is built on scoring, and scoring a lot. Pauly is running a great offensive scheme that teams have not figured out how to beat yet. However, that comes with some unintended consequences, notably having a high turnover rate. So let's see how Pauly handles that if he comes face to face with a team that can turn over the ball in the playoffs.
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Re: POWERRR Rankings S1

Post by AngryBanana »

Sim 6
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Re: POWERRR Rankings S1

Post by AngryBanana »

Sim 7
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Re: POWERRR Rankings S1

Post by greepleairport »

thankks for the rankings charlie! +6pts, would have been cool to see where the finals contestants sat in later sim rankings as halfway thru they sat at 14 and 19. crazy.
Somehow I manage.
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