I haven't been able to get into main node since yesterday night, though I can get into my team node. Doug confirmed the same thing is happening to him when he tries to get into main node (it just stalls on connecting). This issue has happened before to Roberto, but I was able to access still. We'll see if Roberto can access or my ability comes back. Sim won't be able to be run until main node is back accessible. Nothing has been input yet.
Wig restarted the simputer, but nothing's changed except I can't even access my team node anymore. Still testing multiple times a day to see if I can get on, but not sure there's anything else Wig can do on his end.
I haven't heard anything. Wig was having issues with TV a few days ago that he was trying to fix, but I haven't heard anything new about that since @IamQuailman is his point of contact. If it doesn't come back up, it means no more PBSL unless someone wants to set things up from scratch again. I don't have he time/willingness/equipment/knowhow to do that, but if someone else wants to try doing that, I'm happy to help where I can.
Hopefully, it's something that Wig can resolve, but status is in limbo until I hear that TV is fixed or that it can't be fixed.
Whoop, not in the clear yet. Kicked out and can't get back in. Going to hold onto the Monday deadline and if it's not up by then, I'm going to sim if/when it does get back up.
Well, bad news, still haven't been able to get back in main node since I snuck in that one time. Unfortunately, this puts PBSL back on indefinite delay.
Wig has generously put in work to set the simputer up on a general VNC so it can be accessed with any VNC Viewer. It's worked, I've simmed games 5-6, and we should be able to get back on schedule for the playoffs. Game 7 of round 1 will be due tomorrow.