Really great answers so far. I'm not sure I have a new one. I'd like to pick on the Kings, but their whole MO is not doing squat and watching the seasons roll on by.
I was going to go with the Hawks, but they were covered. I was also going to go with the Mavs, and while I generally disagree with
@IamQuailman 's take, it definitely softened my stance on the moves they did make (6 player cuts, putting Poole on the block hours before the deadline, etc). But I shouldn't pick on my brothers' in law. I love them no matter what kind of GM moves they make.
So instead I'll pick on the guy I already tagged, without much good reason. First of all, how dare you not do anything? Dude, you are like, Mr. Trade. Did you even DM anyone in S68? Sure, you've got talent, you've got wins, you've got a good thing underway.
...But I love you. And I miss you. And I wish sometimes you'd just drop me a line.
Hey Greep, how's it going? Wanna talk trades that won't happen? Me neither. It's okay. I still love you, no matter what you write about me in the town hall, and I want you to know, Greep, that my everlasting love for you is...everlasting.
Alas, Mr. Quailman, our time here is not over. AND my love for you, in turn, has not waned. But you COULD have DM'd me u fuk u, even just for lulz