Chris Webber wrote:I've enjoyed every second of my time in Minnesota.
I don't think you heard me, or let it register, so I'll say it again.
I've enjoyed every second of my time in Minnesota.
From the beginnings where I led a poor team in minutes and points, to the years that Grant and I helped build this franchise, to the heartbreaking losses to the Warriors over and over again. There were other emotions sprinkled in there, but ever since I stood up on the podium and shook the commissioner's hand, I've been nothing but proud to be a Timberwolf.
This offseason has been really rough on me and my family. We heard the rumblings that they might trade Grant, and when they did, it was clear that getting value wasn't the goal. Grant Hill is one of the best players in the PBSL, without a doubt. He was my brother and my friend for over half a decade. And to see what we got for him -- no disrespect to Corey Maggette and Raja Bell, who are great guys and hard workers, but it's clear this team is ready to move on. And that obviously means there's no place for me in Minneapolis anymore.
It hurts, obviously. I know this is a business, and if the team doesn't see us sustaining championship excellence that changes need to be made. That all makes sense to my head. But we're human, and just because something makes sense doesn't mean it can't hurt. I have so many good memories here, and to know that I'm leaving soon is something that makes me lose sleep at night. It's tough, but I have to move on.
And I will. I look forward to a deal being done, and I look forward to continuing my great play somewhere that will appreciate my talents. I want to thank the front office of the Minnesota Timberwolves for being honest with me every step of the way. I want to thank my brothers who I've battled with over the years. And I want to thank the fans of Minnesota who have been so good to me since I first put on this jersey. It was an honor playing for you.
This is hard, but wherever I end up, you won't know it from my play. I promise to be the best player I can be going forward. And if you're a fan of the team I wind up on...get ready, because we're going to have some fun.

Chris Webber