Create your team point bank, document your points, use them to do as you please. Please update of your point total in your first post, and document your earnings within your point bank.
+5 DC
+5 Presser
+4 Awards Noms/Voting
+11 Town Hall
+10 Memes
+10 65 Offseason
+6 MDWPP Pod
+3 Safi AS
+3 Banchero AS
+2 Town Hall Coordinator
+4 9 game win streak
+13 65 wins
+3 Playoffs
+2 Division
+3 Bye
+3 Safi MVP
+3 Safi 1st Team
+1 Banchero 3rd Team
+1 Safi 2nd Team D
+1 Safi scoring
+1 Ashcraft All-rookie