Rules: 1 point if you give a thoughtful answer to the question, which I will award after the timer ends for responses.
I love Town Hall. It really brought out some additional engagement. It didn't always require more than hot-take kinds of responses, so they were easy to clack out on a keyboard in 5 minutes or less.
I would be interested in coordinating, but i think it should go to @LazyTitanSmash if he's interested. I know he's looking for new and different ways to engage and I think this would be a good place to start for him. So consider that a nomination.
I think, depending on who takes over, a template of questions could be maintained and reused from one season to the next. I know, it's not very creative, but if someone is worried about running it because they can't think of new essay-generating questions every couple of days who otherwise would want to run it? I think it's worth it. Just a thought.
All in all I think it's really cool of the commish to generate new ways to keep the league interesting and engaging, creating jobs in the process. Mamba2024, right SLOE?
I love the Town Hall. I did not respond to many of them, but I enjoyed reading them. I wasn't sure I had enough to say.
I would be down to come up with a question each sim.
I would continue to ask questions, but I would probably call on people to vote for things like: Who is the best blue player that needs to be moved? Or will the Suns win at least 2 games against the Nets in the upcoming playoff series.
It was an efficient way to get points at fewer words than needed for a real article. I will say that answering the prompts was interesting, but it has been making it hard to get motivated to do an actual article. I like that other folks participated, especially folks who don't do absolutely everything there is to do in sim league.
I'd like to see where it goes, because I think a little more variety beyond just answering prompts would be cool. I think the awards predictions from town hall 11 is a fun idea like that.
I am disappointed in how lenient Mamba was with the deadline and want assurances that the leniency was only towards cashcab, and had it not been for his later response, Doug would not have gotten a point.
@LazyTitanSmash when you post a new topic, just go to full editor and the bottom of the page will have a poll creation tab. Just enter the parameters there to publish.
Please keep Town Hall. There were some interesting topics and it is an easy way to grab 12 points while you are in the Sim Vegas thread looking at Pick'em. Hope we get a few new questions next season to keep it fresh but greeple is right, just keep it simple like this and folks will always chime in to give their $0.02
I love it from a points perspective. Honestly I don't really read most of the other owners post. Mainly depends on the topic. It has benefited me in learning a bit more about the other players in the league as a few post has required me to do some research on the rosters. I think that benefits me a ton in the trade game. I'm not interested in running it but hopefully someone is. Gonna earn 11 points this season on top of whatever I gain from actual Phoenix Suns play. Can't beat that. That will halfway pay for gates foul training next season.
I think the Town Halls have been a slam dunk of an idea. It ups the participation level of the league and rewards us with points. I think its a good way for GMs to stay active and engaged with the current state of the league and allows for the newcomers to gain a bit of insight to how some of the top GMs think. I see no negatives here tbh
Let's keep Town Hall going. Really good discussions and definitely helps me feel more engaged with the league and what is going on after every sim. It really does not take up too much time and it is an easy way to collect a few points along the way. I look forward to participating more next season.
I really like this idea. It generates activity on the forum that has been lacking for a while. It’s a great idea by Roberto, and I think we should keep it moving forward, even if we need to create a new coordinator role for it (or lump it into an existing role).