S63 POWERRR Rankings

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S63 POWERRR Rankings

Post by AngryBanana »

Hey all,

So I thought there was an Arsenal game today, and there isn't. So what should I do with my free time instead? SLOE!!! So I am bringing back something (who knows how much it will be around) for everyone to be able to see what possible rankings their team can have. I am a man of the people after all.

I will throw a few thoughts in as I put them in, or not. Who knows, it all depends on the time I have available to me.
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Re: S63 POWERRR Rankings

Post by AngryBanana »


The below rankings are for the pre-season. For anyone that is new to this, understand one thing. PS is totally useless. Everyone is on recommend and teams can go from 1-5 to having 60 wins. What it is good for is at least getting a pulse of what your players look like. It can show if the players that you brought in or developed can be helpful. It is also able to show you "hey, this is how I should not run my team this season" so I highly suggest grabbing that gameplan from someone with node access and just at least maybe do the opposite. You can also maybe prey on teams that did not do well that may want to sell of players from their 1-5 teams.

These rankings will depict the absurdity that is PS. The Celtics should not be second, and I am honestly perplexed as to how they are. You can say collusion, but I would prefer them be at the bottom. It is going to be an embarrassing season and this doesn't help.
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Re: S63 POWERRR Rankings

Post by AngryBanana »

Sim 1:
Celtics observation: One sim in and I am still in the top 5! I truly think this is because of my defense, and only because of my defense. Maybe because AB is the best player in the game too?

Other notes:

The Nets with their 30 point diff is a top of the rankings, with no surprise to anyone. They are legit, and I can see them at the top all year long (or as long as I keep my interest in making this.)

Im more interested at the bottom of the power rankings than the top right now. With the bottom few being rounded out by the Raptors, Rockets, Bobcats, Spurs, and Jazz. I want to see who is going to take the unfortunate jump up the rankings only because the other teams are worse.

Highlight of the sim: The Hawks. Sitting at 21, this may be the highest they have ever ranked in my iteration of this power rankings. Being led by Phil Smith, the Hawks are going to make it tough for any team to try to win against. While CashCab is not the most active of GMs, he has been 1000 times more active compared to Louie. So for that I award you one acknowledgement point. Congrats

Highest Rise - Griz
Lowest Drop - Spurs
Surprise Placement: Celtics
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Re: S63 POWERRR Rankings

Post by AngryBanana »

Sim 2:
Celtics Observation: We took a tumble this season, even though we had a better sim overall. We had won more games but I guess I thankfully am falling more in line of where I should probably be. Maybe I can make more of this season than originally planned... lets see what happens.

Other Notes:

It appears that the Nets have also now dropped from the top spot after loosing their insane point diff. I see it as a fight all season between these two for retaining top spot.

Highlight Team of the Sim:
The Nuggets are another team that have reached where they should rightfully be in the rankings. They have a really good core built, being led by the trio of Baker, Jarrett, and Davis. They are going to be an outstanding team to watch all season. They are a team that can truly compete this season for the championship. I wouldn't be surprised if this team winds up switching with the Lakers and Nets at some point.

Highest Rise - Bulls
Lowest Drop - Cavs and Blazers
Surprise Placement: Hawks at 13 (who may be my favorite team this season)
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Re: S63 POWERRR Rankings

Post by AngryBanana »

Sim 3:
Celtics Observation: We are well on our way to becoming a legit team this year after this sim. We did not go up in the rankings like I hoped, but wins against the Nets and Suns are nice. We have more players coming in to hopefully boost our chances as well.

Other Notes:

Welcome back Nick! It is great to see my PBSL mentor back in the saddle and I look forward to seeing what you can do with the Magic! RoboGM set you up nice by giving the magic a 4 spot boost.

Not too much movement in the top 10. To be expected, hopefully this thing is understanding who the good teams are more now that we have more data for it.

Big drop and jump from some newer GMs in the Hawks and Raptors. Two of the teams I really like this year. Raptors maybe are starting to get a feel for post Mobley life, while cruise control may be starting to effect the Hawks.

Team Highlight of the Week: Jazz
They are by and far the worst team in the game. Their -10 score is double the next closest team. I may have to go back and see how they rank against some of the Hawks teams of years past, and the Sonics team, to see how bad this team is. Can Gary make a run at the worst of the worst ever?! Will Les Kim still manage to be DPOY??? All these questions and more will be answered at some point in the future on PBSL.

Biggest Rise: Raptors
Lowest Drop: Hawks
Surprise Placement: Cavs not lower
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Re: S63 POWERRR Rankings

Post by AngryBanana »

Sim 6? (PRE ASG SIM):

First, I have been updating the Powerrr Rankings after each sim, just not posting them here as I don't have the time to do all the steps necessary. This is important however because it is allowing for more incremental data and more accurate rankings. Where doing three sims at once may be inaccurate in some ways. Where if say AB gets hurt in the second sim of the four I put in, my score would still be based on the ranking from a while back for the whole period, thus producing inaccurate numbers. Processing 28 games where I am at a #4, instead of 10 at #4, 8 at #7, and then 10 at #9, would produce two different results. I probably am not explaining this well, or may even be wrong in my thought process, but it seems right ha.

Celtics Observation: Hey soooo I guess my team is starting to rebound some? Crazy that I got to this point, I really thought that I was going to be a .500 team this season. THT has been a great addition, and the team is overall deeper, if I am not fully sure how to run the roster. I am back in the "top 5", but still not sure if I am really a championship level team. I may do a few tweaks because I think the team is more flexible now from a gameplan standpoint.

Other Notes:

Wizards so low seems odd to me. They are always so good and a playoff contender, but they are having a uncharacteristic season this year, especially after having a good offseason of building a team. We know X has good ability at building a team and getting the players that fit. As long as he gets to the playoffs, he will still be a problem though.

Nick is creating some Magic (all the puns intended). He turns that team fully around and is focusing less on getting the most points out of Schiff, and building a good team gameplan (all new GMs, this shows how dumb the recommended gameplan is). At this rate, Nick could get in the playoffs and be a problem for a newer GM.

Team Highlight of the Week: I know I kinda did two up above, but lets keep the format going as it is. This week is the Cavs. They have dropped two more places in the power ranking. The only saving grace of this season now for this team may be Gordon's scoring punch. If I was JLM, I would look to move one way or the other with this roster, as if he stays put he is middling and will not get a good pick and still be not good enough to make damage in the playoffs.It also does not help that Gordon is hurt for the next sim. Gordon is 28, and Loos is 29, so a build around them would need to be immediate. His best bet may be to try to flip Loos this season and Gordon in the offseason for a rebuild. He has a few young Blues that can be the nucleus of a new build, or flipped for other parts.

Biggest Rise: Magic
Lowest Fall: Cavs
Biggest Surprise: Hawks drop
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Re: S63 POWERRR Rankings

Post by AngryBanana »

Home Stretch Sim

Celtics Watch: This team is just hurting my soul. IDK....

Other Notes:

Hawks rising from the ashes!!!

Teams 22 through 26 are firmly in the "were bad" category and will probably not be jumped by the likes of JLM, however hard he tries to compete to be good (and just makes his team worse)

Team of the Week: Pistons. They are playing way better than I think anyone expected before the season started. They have players across the board that are under the radar type players. JVG, Zike, even Vaughn Millsaps. Doug decided once flipping all over the place, getting Montoya only to send out, then trading for Ned Lomax. It has been all the stages of a Doug build, but in one season!

Riser: Hawks
Drop: Me and the Kings
Surprise: Cavs not in dead last
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Re: S63 POWERRR Rankings

Post by greepleairport »

+3 for initial
+5 for each additional
+2 for words
maxed for 10pts for series
Somehow I manage.
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