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2001-02 Pre-Season Presser Season UNDERWAY (thru 6/1 @ 3pm)

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 10:39 am
by IamQuailman
Deadline for points: June 1 @ 3pm CST (will allocate points then)

Rules are below:

Pre-Season Press Conferences are a good way of announcing your plans, goals, and expectations for your team for the upcoming season. Brag about your moves, give your players personalities, and have some fun. Not to mention, it's an easy way to grab 5 points towards your bank. Rules are as follows below:

Pre-Season Pressers can start anytime during FA until the first sim of the regular season.

5 points --> A) Post well thought out (more than 2 paragraphs... at least) presser about your team, B) Answer questions in your own presser, and C) Ask questions in at least 3 other pressers.
3 points --> 2 of the 3 listed above.
1 point --> Skimpy presser + asking other questions but not answering questions/answering questions but not asking
0 points --> Don't answer questions, skimpy presser, don't ask questions

If you post "ASK AWAY!" or "ASK ME QUESTIONS! THIS IS MY PRESSER", you will automatically start with 3pts and lose from there.

Remember: these points do not count towards your in-season 10-pt media cap. So if you don't do these, you are leaving a quick 'n' easy 5 points on the table!