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2023-2024 Self-Nominations and Campaigning: Elections Coordinator

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 2:49 pm
by garbageman
Please nominate yourself in the comments below for the position of:

Elections Coordinator

INCUMBENT: Garbageman
-Post threads for self-nomination during playoffs
-Post threads for voting so that voting is wrapped up before new season
-Post threads to vote for league-wide propositions

In addition to throwing your name out there, you are encouraged to provide some words on why folks should vote for you. Nominations will be accepted until the DC submission deadline for the first two games of the CONFERENCE FINALS.

Re: 2023-2024 Self-Nominations and Campaigning: Elections Coordinator

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 4:32 pm
by garbageman
I'd do this again. As with any job, I'll do it in a timely fashion and give you plenty of time to self nominate and vote.