See post here:
With the passing of "Free TC Insurance" (Prop 6) and a tax apron increase (Prop 8) to 110% of the salary cap, it is proposed we eliminate rookie contract trainings (Free TC insurance effectively saves teams 30 points per season that can be used directly on player training instead and the best-case scenario for RCT was worth approximately 40 points over 4 years). Eliminating RCT also simplifies things a lot since you no longer have to count minutes and worry about thresholds and so on.
If this proposal passes, players who played enough minutes in the 2018 season to be eligible for training under the current system WOULD still get to claim their RCT under the current system (the have already "earned" their RCT by playing minutes this season and it will not be taken away); however, the upcoming offseason would be the last time RCT is used.